Wednesday, October 13, 2010

The return of.....Me

   Good afternoon all. It's been so long I'm guessing that it will be quite some time before anyone realizes that I've become active on my blog again. I've been a bit under the weather for a couple of days and have taken time to do some reflection. With all that reflecting going on I'm surprised that someone didn't smell the smoke. :-)
   With this post I'm only letting everyone know that I'll be posting again and would welcome your comments and input. It won't be political (very much), it won't be personal (very much). I suppose it will be to bring praise to God. Could there be any greater purpose? Anyway, enough for this time. I'll just quietly begin posting and see how long it takes for anyone to notice. And so it will be.........

Saturday, July 19, 2008

And another day comes and goes.......

Good evening to everyone. It's been a long time I know but I've decided to resume posting to this blog. I've taken quite a long time away and have been putting that time to good use. I hope you all will begin once again reading this blog. Now on to the title of this post....
Today I, once again, had a birthday. My birthday's come as quite a surprise to me anymore. I told my shrink not long ago that I never really expected to live this long, and it's the truth. Now simply having a birthday surprises me more than ever. I was told by my shrink that this feeling us very usual and normal for someone like me. (I won't go into what the "like me" means) ( :-D )
I will however, for anyone that is curious, expound on it in a private email if you like. Anyway, another birthday comes..................and goes..............and life goes on. I have to say before I come to the conclusion however, that life is better now than ever before in OH so many ways. Spiritually, physically, mentally and emotionally. A quick note, I expect to live till I'm 101 years old, which means that I have only 42 more years to live. I have a lot to pack into that small amount of time, huh? ( OK, you can do the math now) ( :-D ) .....and so it goes.......

Monday, October 22, 2007

Observations (3): Fiddlers and re-numeration

Good evening everyone. Welcome once again. I'm very glad that you're here and believe that you'll benefit from this chapter. You may even enjoy it. Well....some of you will, others will not. At any rate, I'm happy to see you here and reading. I'm providing finger foods and light refreshments tonight, so serve yourselves and find a seat.
I'm guessing that at least some of you are wondering about the odd title for to nights chapter. I'm even betting that my daughters know before reading any further. It's from an old adage that goes like this: "If you dance to the music, the fiddler has to be paid". Some I'm sure have heard that but some I'm sure haven't. It simply means that if you make decisions, either good or bad, (and we all do constantly) we have to live with the outcome of them. Sometimes the outcome comes in the form of consequences and other times it comes in the shape of reward. Sometime the result of a decision is somewhat gray in color and sometime it's very black and white. A couple of examples are: A young lady is either pregnant or she's not, very black and white, while in the same vein, one can question whether one's marriage was the best decision, something that can be black and white but can also be somewhat in the gray area. It's been my experience that if I make a bad decision and am able to hide the result I still have to live with that decision. It's in mind and heart always. This author has made His share of decisions, both good and bad, and has always tried to face the result, whatever that might be, with courage. I suggest that is a good course of action for us all, but first of all, I suggest that we, everyone, think carefully through each and every decision and choice before we make it, as best we can. Second, take responsibility for the choices. Don't try to shift the blame, if indeed, there is blame to bear. If we successfully shift any blame to someone or something else it only makes it more probable that we're going to make the same decision or choice all over again. Usually with the same result. Facing up to the responsibility makes it easier to make a better choice next time. Third, any decision we make we have to live with, but others often have to live with our choices, as we have to live with other's decisions. OK, enough. Just bear in mind that we you or I dance to the music the fiddler, indeed, ALWAYS has to be paid. A parting suggestion? Think, feel and pray, about every choice and decision of any magnitude.
...........And so it goes...........

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

A special day.......

Good morning! I'm very happy to have you, once again, reading this chapter of this blog. I hope you're having the best day possible and that you're recognizing God's blessing in your life this day. You know that their are many blessings, right? OK, OK. Just a reminder. ( :-D ) On to the title of today.
This is indeed a special day for me. If you look back to the chapter this time a year ago you'll see essentially the same words. Today, if He were still alive, Dennis would be having a birthday. Dennis, for those of you that don't know or don't remember, is the brother that passed away in the year nineteen sixty three. After all of this time, however, I still remember with a great deal of fondness His life of seventeen years. The mischievousness of his personality. The twinkle of His eyes when He was up to something. The work ethic that He'd developed in such a short life span. I've said many times, that if Dennis weren't into some mischief He was looking for it to get into. What a loving and protective brother He was! Even after all of these years I remember Him with such clarity. The smile, the laugh and the body language that was His. Dennis was the healthiest guy I knew, which is the reason for the extreme shock at His death after such a short illness. He was only sick for about a month. Anyway, happy birthday Dennis! You are still missed and thought of very frequently! ..........And so it went..........

Monday, October 08, 2007

In Memoriam

Good evening once again all. I know it's been a little while since my last post and I, once again, apologize. I'm back now though. My left elbow, the one hurt in the auto accident, has been giving me some pain and it's a bit painful to type. As a matter of fact, it's sort of a white knuckle experience sometime. I'm told it's due to the inflammation. Oh well! Life goes on, right?
My chapter this evening is to pay tribute to someone very special that passed away a short time ago. She is my first cousin (is because her memory is now and will always be, alive). Her name is Gay Nell. Let me endeavour to tell you all a bit about Gay. She was 60 years old when she left this life, and what an extraordinary life it was! I was, just a couple of days ago, trying to remember a time in my entire life that Gay didn't have a smile. Not only a smile but words of hope and encouragement for all. Another thing that is remembered by everyone is her enduring faith in God. I'd like to know just how many lives she touched with that faith. The number would be very high! I suppose one of the best legacies she left was that when anyone speaks of her they always have a smile on their face with the memories they have. Gay, we all miss you being with us, but know that you are always in our hearts and thoughts. So now, I close this with a smile ..............And so it goes..........

Sunday, September 16, 2007

Observations: 2) Dancing Porcupines

Good morning all. Yes, I hear the gasps of everyone as you realize that I've actually come back to the keyboard. I acknowledge that it has been a so we'll go on from here, OK? It's a beautiful Sunday morning and I've just returned from the patio in my backyard where I enjoyed a rare cup of coffee while watching the sunrise and listening to my small part of the world come to life. What an exhilarating experience! I thought of many of you as a rooster began his day by calling to the world around him. As if on cue a couple of crows awoke and began cawing to each other as they flew off in search of some food. Begging mention are the insect world as they began talking and moving about. WOW!!! It was great. OK, OK. On to the curious title for this chapter.
In the short span of my life I've had the opportunity to "observe" some of it. In the last chapter I mentioned the 'camel' syndrome. Here today, it's about how we humans unknowingly take on a characteristic of the porcupine. It's about how, on a very cold night, a group of porcupines are together. As the night gets colder they begin to move closer to each other for warmth, but alas, as they get close they begin to stick and be stuck with their quills. As a consequence they deliberately move away and isolate themselves so the pain won't be there. At this point the 'pain' isn't there, but alas, once again they find themselves getting cold and alone so they once again move close to the other porcupines for warmth. Again, with the same result, so they once again withdraw to a more pain free environment. As this continues in the course of their night it begins to resemble a weird sort of dance where they're constantly in motion and getting no rest. It occurs to me at this juncture, that we humans are quite like that too. We get lonely so we move in for warmth and companionship, but as the "quills" of other people begin to stick us we withdraw to less painful place. Only to, once again, become isolated and alone, and only to once again, move toward others. It becomes, sadly enough, a lifelong 'dance' for some people because they never seem to figure out how to overcome this behavior. Now, before anyone asks, I don't have anyone specific in mind. Well, maybe a few names come to the fore, but I, of course, will not mention them. Allow me to say, however, that there is a better way to live. There is a way to live life not in the 'dance' mode. OK, enough on this posting but there will be more forthcoming. (and not so long this time). ........And so it goes........

Sunday, July 22, 2007

Observations: 1) Loaded camels

Good evening! Welcome to this chapter of this blog. Please come right in and make yourself at home. I'm serving finger sandwiches and cookies along with some other light refreshments tonight. So, have a seat and make yourself comfortable while snacking and reading. I'm glad you're here.
I know you're all thinking at this juncture, 'what a funny title'. Well....I do admit that at first glance it is a funny title. However, I ask your indulgence until you finish reading. I'm betting at that point it will be a bit more clear.
This chapter isn't actually about camels, except metaphorically. I'm sure you've all heard the old expression "The straw that broke the camel's back", right? If not, a quick explanation is in order. For those that have heard it please bear with me for a moment. It's in reference to a camel whose back is loaded with straw. As it stands, straw is continually loaded on it's back, until the point that it's loaded with the maximum load it can stand. Then finally, someone puts one more small straw on the stack and it's the final weight that breaks the back of the camel. OK, end of explanation and on to the point. In retrospect of the life of the author of this blog and having watched for many years the lives and behaviors of other people I've come to the conclusion that many times we're all like that proverbial camel. Standing and walking through life, constantly having people and circumstances adding to the load that we consistently carry around. A point or two about that and a few suggestions about how to cope with it. Point one is....the adding of the straw to the back of the camel is done so slowly and gradually that the camel, in the short term, doesn't realize that the added weight (or stress) is there. It's not until much time as gone by that it can identify that something has indeed changed and the going is harder. Point two....since we're 'supposed' to carry the load and cope with life while carrying the load, we assume that it's 'normal' to be that burdened. Actually, it's not 'normal' to be constantly carrying that much stress around with us all the time. While we come to see ourselves as 'beasts of burden' with all the stress we're under, we can deal more effectively with it. There is, indeed, a better way to live. Point can be very discouraging, while we stagger around under the load we carry, to see others look at us from time to time and then walk away. Whether they don't see or don't care, the result is the same. So, we continue walking around in our lives, struggling to maintain our walk and composure, and all the while being loaded with one more straw at a time. Suddenly we realize "hey, this is getting too heavy". However we continue walking and plodding along wondering when the final devastating straw will be added. A suggestion is in order here, don't you think? Suggestion one....Look to God and seek help from Him. He is the source that never fails us. Prayer! Suggestion two....Look around you as you walk, and find someone whose load is heavier than yours. Do this in order to offer encouragement and hope, and even offer to carry a bit of their load. I know it sounds weird but doing that will actually make your and their loads easier and lighter. So, my fellow camels, on a final note of encouragement from a camel who's back has been broken and been mended by the God of heaven, look up and take heart. You can do it! .........And so it goes.........

Sunday, July 08, 2007

Revealing the Quest..........

Good morning all. Yes, you read that right. It is early morning and I'm up late. Well, later than usual. I have to get to bed very soon so I can go to Church this morning. OK, enough of the excuses, right? Pull up a chair and relax as you read this as I attempt to give the answer that I promised. I have to say here, that some came very close to the answer.
'The quest' in question in this blog is the search that we've all undertaken in order to find an answer. I know that in my life I've asked the "W" question many, many times. The "W" question being 'why'. I ask the question many times for every friend I lost in Vietnam. I ask the question many times when my wife began changing. I ask the question many times when I was told that I had cancer. I ask the question many times when I began recovering from a horrific car accident. Probably several thousand times over the course of time. In all of that time and after all of that asking I never got an answer to those questions. I have given that much thought and have come to some, what I believe, are right and healthy conclusions. Conclusion one: for us to know those answers would mean that we could know the future and that is not something that God has given us the ability to do. We can barely handle the past, what makes us think that we could handle the future. That would make us not need or want a relationship with God. Conclusion two: If we knew the answer to all of those "why's" we would have the wisdom of God, and again, not need or want a relationship with Him. Conclusion three: Knowing the answers would make us proud and haughty, and once again, we would try putting ourselves on the same level as God, thus not wanting or needing Him. Conclusion four: Knowing those answers would make us not seek the will of God in our lives and not search for the presence of God. Conclusion five: Knowing those answers would destroy our faith, simply because we wouldn't need it. We'd feel ourselves to be sufficient unto ourselves, right? Having realized these things I decided that we understand what we can, after that Faith takes over. We have to walk through life not knowing the answers but knowing that God does. That, beloved friends, is what I call "tough faith". Tough because we're scared. Tough because each step we take is uncertain. Tough because trusting is the hardest thing to do at that point. Tough sometime because our heart is anguished with pain and grief and loss. Tough sometime because we're squarely facing our own mortality and the reality of possible death. There are many reasons to ask why but only one basic reason to accept not having an answer. Because our God wills it so and we love and trust Him. OK, I'll conclude beloved friends, so you can comment by whatever means you chose. Please feel free to agree or disagree, in part or in whole, to whatever degree you that you do. Another chapter soon. .........And so it is...........

Saturday, June 30, 2007

The Quest..............

Good evening and welcome. I am, once again, very glad to have you drop by. It's been a few days since posting my last chapter and I've been delighted with the response. Thank you all for faithfully checking back from time to time. I've opened the bar and have most anything you'd care to drink. I even brought some pretzels and nuts so serve yourself and be comfortable as you read.
Before I talk about the quest mentioned in the title I'll give somewhat of an explaination. The "quest" I'm talking about comes about in the life of every person that lives to some degree of maturity. It always comes in the form of a question. I know I've asked this particular question almost countless times. So, before posting the rest of the chapter I'm going to give everyone a chance to respond by stating what they think the question is. You can respond by commenting on this blog or to the email address listed above. I'll wait a couple of days before posting another chapter that gives the answer. So, you all let me know what you think. .........And so it goes............

Monday, June 25, 2007

The ride unforgettable......

Good evening all. I'm happy to have you drop in and visit. Make yourselves comfortable. I hope you notice that I've opened the bar, although the only thing served is cranberry juice. Hey, don't complain, it's good for you. ( :-D ) Anyway, pull up a chair and relax as you read and sip the refreshing juice.
After some thought I decided to tell an amusing story that took place many years ago. Before you ask, yes, it really did happen. I was about 12 years old when we (the whole family) went, one Sunday afternoon, to visit an uncle and his family. In that family was two boys, one a bit older than I and the other about my age. After a while I became bored with our activities and decided to look around on my own. Behind their house I found a bicycle in very good condition, except for....not having a chain. I was intrigued with the possibilities. After contemplating my options for a little while I decided on the 'hill'. Let me at this point talk a little about the 'hill'. My uncle's house was located on a very firm and extremely well packed dirt road. In most places it was only wide enough for one vehicle. The house was at the bottom of a very long and very steep hill. The 'hill' was about 200 yards long, and as was previously mentioned, very steep. About halfway up the hill was a curve to the left and forest was on both sides of the road. I think you now have the picture in mind, right? The option I chose was to push the bicycle to the top of the 'hill', which took quite a while, as I had to stop several times to rest. However, having reached the top of the 'hill', and having counting to "3" approximately fifty three times, I took in a deep breath and shoved off on my, what turned out to be, very long and very quick journey. Let me add at this point that while pushing and wrestling the bicycle to the top of the 'hill' that all of the 'older folks' had decided to come out on the front porch and sit while they talked. They had hardly been seated when, yep, here I came. Let me remind you that the bicycle had no chain, which meant that not only could I not pedal but it also meant that I had no brakes. Not that brakes would have done very much good. When I reached the bottom of the 'hill', my intention was to push back to the top of the 'hill' and come down again. That, as it turned out, was a pipe dream. When I did indeed reach the bottom of the 'hill', I was going an estimated fifty to sixty miles an hour. My clothes and my hair were flapping and waving in the wind and it was hard to breath, as the wind was sucking the air right out of my mouth. So, there I was, streaking along with drool streaming out of my mouth and my eyes burning from the force of the wind. I remember being actually surprised with the effects of the high velocity air. I'm told that when I went by the 'old folks' stood up in astonishment. I didn't see them because I was so greatly focused on the road. I'm only glad that my Dad couldn't get his hands on me at the moment, that he had a little while to 'cool off'. Upon reaching the bottom of the 'hill' it eventually occurred to me that, since I didn't have a chain, I was going to have to coast till I rolled to a gentle stop. Looking back, I'm surprised that I'm not still on the bike and still coasting. I coasted, it seems, about one mile. That put me almost to the highway. Again, looking back, I was very fortunate to not have met a vehicle coming the other way. If I had I'd have had to head off into the woods that surrounded the road. Not a good prospect if one is going fifty miles an hour on a bicycle with no brakes. Let me not forget to mention that somewhere along the journey I went through a large cloud of gnats. I know this because I took about half of them with me plastered on my shirt, arms and face. Ahhh....the follies of youth. I'm sometimes amazed that we any live till adulthood. Such was the ride that was so unforgettable, to so many, for so long. ........And so it went.............

Sunday, June 24, 2007

Searching for Mike............

Good afternoon all. Yes, believe it or not, I'm actually on the web and posting a chapter on this blog. I know a lot of people have been wondering where I've been and why I haven't been posting. Well, I'll tell you the truth about it. (as soon as I know too) OK, all kidding aside, here it is. I just needed a break to figure out in which direction to take this endeavor. I've talked to some people and gotten some input and made a decision in that regard. So, if you all will kindly be patient with me, I promise that you'll all see as time goes on the result of that decision. I am going to be posting regularly on here. Although I've decided on the what I'm still deciding on the how. Exactly how I'll post what I'm going to write I'm still praying and meditating about. So, in short, later this evening, or maybe tomorrow, I'll be back with the first chapter in quite a while. I appreciate you're patience and willingness to inquire about myself and the blog. So.......I'll see you again in a little while. ............And so it goes...........

Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Here I am............

Good evening everyone. Just a quick note to say that my sabbatical is now at a close. I've taken a bit of time away to do some thinking about the direction this is going to take. There is more on the way, so keep checking back. .........And so it will be...........

Sunday, April 08, 2007

The Easter of the broken heart........

Good afternoon everyone. Yes, I'm actually posting this chapter in the afternoon instead of the evening. Go figure! ( :-D ) This will be a short chapter, as I'm going to do something I very rarely do. I'm going to talk a bit about me. I don't talk about me very much, preferring instead to listen to others. I won't, therefore, offer any refreshment since you'll be through reading this before you could finish a drink.
Today would be, if she were living, Yvonne's birthday. (Yvonne was my wife) I'm remembering with a broken heart the ten years we had together that were so great. I'm also remembering with a broken heart the other years we had in which she degenerated into mental illness. I won't go into detail. It was a time of great confusion since I didn't know what was happening. I only knew that she was steadily changing and didn't know why. As I look back I grieve her life. A life so vibrant, and yet a life so tragic. She was the love of my life then and I don't understand anymore now than I did then what happened or why. I just try to accept it. I work at that daily. So, here I sit, with a life full of love to give and no one to give it to. One of life's little ironies, huh? She'd have been fifty six today if she were still here. Happy birthday Von! .........And so it went............

Friday, April 06, 2007

The green, green grass of...............

Good evening once again everyone. Welcome back to this blog and thank you for coming and spending your valuable time here. You'll notice that I've removed all of the old chairs and replaced them with cushy recliners. Pick one out and place your order. Since it's not too late I'm serving whatever is legal. ( :-D ) I even have some bottled spring water for someone special. Is that you? I bottled it myself but I won't tell you the source. ( :-D ) Anyway, I'm glad you're here and reading. Relax and enjoy yourselves. Now on to the subject for tonight........
This will be the last chapter on the subject of 'Love', unless I have requests for more. In that case we can explore it a bit further. I've pondered at great length about how to put into words what I want to say in this chapter. In short, I'd like to talk about our responsibilities in a relationship that is Loving. I'll limit this post, in interest of time and space, to three areas of responsibility that we each have. These are areas in which you and I alone have sole discretion in decision making. We can listen to other peoples views and advise, but in the end it's our own choices in these areas that decide our behavior and ultimately the fate of the relationship we're in. The first thing we'll look at is how you and I view ourselves. Do you see yourself as someone of worth? Do you treat yourself as someone of worth? Most of us have issues that make that difficult. Some of these issues are from a childhood that was flawed in some way. That creates problems that we have to live with daily. Some of these issues come from a previous relationship (or relationships) in which betrayal was involved. Betrayal to any degree makes us feel many times like we're worth less than we are. All of this is a part of our human nature, but it isn't something that we can't work through. Sometime with some help. We each though, in the end, are responsible for remaining the way we are or recognizing that we need some help in making changes and actually working to make those changes in how we think happen. A final thought on this is, our worth is not dependent on how a relationship goes (or doesn't go).
The second area of responsibility in a loving relationship is, even though it's crucial, often very neglected. It's working to be lovable. How can we expect someone to love us if we're not someone that can be loved. So often we act selfish, angry, spiteful, sarcastic, etc. and then wonder why our mate isn't as loving as we'd like he/she to be. There are two critically important things that must occur with regularity to keep that from happening. Let me first say that I'm not talking about the occasional times that we feel bad or down. When we've had a bad day. I'm talking about when we're like that on a daily basis. When that is, for us, more the norm than the exception. The first of the two things is that we must often examine ourselves and ask the tough questions. The questions being, "am I easy to love?" and "if I were my mate could I easily love me?" Then comes the harder part, which is of course, answering yourself candidly and honestly. If you don't do that then don't bother to ask the questions at all. Being someone that is easy to love is half of the equation and essential for both in a relationship to work on. (and it is work though worth the effort) The third area of responsibility is to be able to give love. That's the part that often gets all the attention. Let's face it! Sometime we're all hard to love, right? We have to remember though, that when our mate is the hardest to love is when they need our love the very most. That's the time what we have to 'work' at giving our love. If we will give the work that this takes the grass will always stay greener at home than in other places. OK, OK, I'll stop! Just don't throw anymore tomatos. I sincerely hope and pray that this series on 'hope, faith and love' has been helpful but mostly I hope it causes us all to take stock of ourselves and how we live. .....................And so it goes...............

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

When I say I love you...................

Good evening all. Welcome! Pull up a chair and kick back. I'm happy to have you here. Your showing up has made my day, well, my night actually. Please place your order for refreshment and it will be served up promptly. Oh yeah, don't forget to leave a generous tip for your host.
( :-D ) Tonights chapter is a continuation on Love. The topic on Love we're discussing this evening is 'what is it'. It is, undoubtedly, the most maligned, misused and mistreated word in the English language. It is taken in context with things best referred to as 'lust' and 'desire'. We use it when referring to something like a sandwich, a car, a house, a job (the list is endless). Taken in it's true context those things would be best referred to as I 'like' it. It's mostly taken out of context when referring to a physical relationship. That is, of course, a part of it, but only a small part. This evening we're going to explore a bit about 'what exactly is Love'? Again, let me say that this is not to be considered an exhaustive look at Love. Hopefully though, it will pique your longing to know more. It is, without doubt, the most potent and powerful force known to mankind. OK, on to the definition(s). Of all the places I've looked and all the research I've done I like the usage of the Greeks the best. Where we have one word "Love" they have several. I'm not going to try to talk about all of them but only three. Many of you out there reading this probably know all about this and probably know more about it than I do, but since I'm the one posting this chapter I'll do the talking. The first word I'll mention here is "Agape". It' s the most used in the New Testament scriptures. For me the most significant places it's used is I Corinthians chapter thirteen. In this particular place we're told that Love should be the motivation and the method for all we are and all we do. When we talk about the Love of God that's the kind we're talking about. When we're talking about giving our life for another it's the kind spoken of. I could go on for a long time about this but won't, in the hopes you'll learn about it on your own. If you want some more about this special type of Love you have only to let me know. Another place it's used is in John, chapter twenty one, starting at verse fifteen. Two times Jesus asks Peter does He 'agape' Him. The third time Jesus asks using the word "Philios". Peter, on the other hand uses the word "Philios" all three times in his answering. OK, on to the second. It's called "Philios". From it we get the name of a city in Pennsylvania. (Philadelphia) From this word we get the meaning of loving someone like a brother or sister. It's that long and enduring and trusting friendship that is created by a bond and exists because of that very bond. It's the kind of love that says ' I'll give my life for you, not only in death but in life '. It says ' I'll be there for you no matter what. No matter if your right or wrong. I'm there. OK, on to the third. It's not actually in the New Testament but it's equivalent is in the Old Testament. The Song of Solomon to be more precise. The word in the Greek is "Eros". The word came from one of the mythological gods of which the Greeks had so many. He was the god of desire, sex and in some cases fertility. From that word we get our word 'erotic'. It's associated with pornography and such things. In it's real sense though, it carries no 'bad' or 'dirty' connotations. Let's now wrap this up. There should be in our lives in every relationship Agape and Philios. Those are what makes a relationship good and strong. They make a friendship lasting and good. Let me now, in closing this chapter, make this statement. While every friendship and relationship will do well with the first two there is only one relationship ordained by God to have all three. That, my friends, is the marriage relationship. While Eros can ruin any other relationship, it is required in a marriage. It's the only relationship that can be made better and more healthy because of it. We should keep that in mind always. OK, OK! I'll close this for now, but first let me say that this chapter has two purposes. One is to expound to you more about Love as it's intended. The other is to set up the next chapter posting. I've already started on it, and it's in draft form now. So, keep checking. You're coming here to read this blog makes my day. ...........And so it goes............

Sunday, March 11, 2007

The Promise.......

Good evening. I'm happy to see you all here and breathless with anticipation. Let's all pull up your chairs and have a seat while placing your orders. After you receive your order you can prop up your feet and sip your beverage while taking in this, another chapter. This post is a continuation of the last and long ago post introducing this series. Sorry it's been so long but I've had a lot to study and contemplate so I've taken my time.
This chapter is on the "Promise" of Love. That has taken a lot of meditation and study on my part which I've thoroughly enjoyed. The more I thought about it the more I realized that I had my work cut out for me in this chapter. Also, being one to be thorough and have every basis in truth, I decided to take all the time it took. Finally, I decided to give it a try and write this chapter. goes.
The promise of Love is so vast as to defy exploration. In order to simplify things I've broken it down into two parts. Let me say, at this point, that there is no simple way to describe the Promise of Love. I shall try to not be too simplistic as this is no simple thing. These two points are in no particular order. First, there is the eternal part of the promise. As I said in the last chapter, Love is from a single source...God the creator. That being the case we can go on to say and conclude that from Love comes these things. First) Joy. Notice I didn't say happiness. There is a vast difference between joy and happiness. Joy does not depend on circumstances for it's existence. Joy is in place in our lives because of what's on the inside of us, not what's on the outside, as is the case with happiness. Second) is contentment. Notice again that I didn't say satisfaction. One can be content without being satisfied. Contentment comes from a state of mind. Satisfaction comes from seeking to fulfill desires of our human nature. Third) is peace. Peace is not, as is popularly believed to be, the absence of war or strife. Peace comes from liking ourselves and loving who we are on the inside. Peace comes from accepting that we are fallible, making mistakes often, but knowing that doesn't detract from our worth. Our worth comes only from the God that created us. Forth) is discipline. Love makes us want what is best for us, regardless of any temptation otherwise. The ability to say 'no' to those things that we know aren't what we need, IE. food, a relationship, alcohol, drugs (the list is almost endless). At the same time, the ability to say yes to those things that are good and even essential to us, again an almost endless list. Having the Love of God in our life gives us all these things and Oh! so very much more. OK, I'll stop here with that list, although it could go on for a while longer. The second part has to do with our relationships. The Promise of a Loving relationship is the dream and hearts desire of us all. To Love and have the Love of someone that is special to us makes us complete in a sense. We everyone have in our natures the longing to Love and be Loved in the most real sense of the word. Now that takes us to a whole new chapter so I'll use this as a place to end this post and introduce the next one. Since I've done much of the study and research on this I won't be so long between posting. The next post will explore what Love is as far as relationships are concerned. So, I'll leave you here and invite you all back for that chapter. ..........And so it goes..........

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Ahhhh...How do I Love thee...let me count the way !

Good evening! Welcome to yet another chapter in this blog. I've added more chairs so pick out one and have a seat. I have a full menu of drinks tonight so let me know what you want. I even have bottled water. It's a special kind, straight from the mountains of Tibet, for those of you that are picky. :-D I myself will have some coffee topped off with some Baileys. this is living. OK, enough. On to the topic for tonight.
As promised we're going to pursue Love. Let me say here that this will not be an exhaustive treatise on the subject. The purpose of this is to give light to some wisdom about it. Pure and simple. So please don't think that Love is simple enough to fit into a simple man's simple blog. It certainly isn't. Having said that we'll proceed.
The source. This is actually easily put. Based on Holy Scriptures, specifically I John, chapter four, verse eight, we have the answer. So you don't have to look it up I'll put it in quotes here. "He that Loves not knows not God, for God is Love". So there, ladies and gentlemen, you have it. Love comes from God. If you're in Love you have that ability because God gave it to you. If you love anyone in any way, family and friends for example, you have that ability because God gave it to you. We come into this world with an acute desire to be loved and nurtured. After we grow a bit we have the desire to love back. Usually family first. The word Love is probably the most misused and corrupted word known to mankind. It's equated with sex, lust, desire, pornography, homosexuality and other deviate behaviors. The only thing that Love has to do with any of that is that it simply isn't there. Those things exist because of a lack of real Love. In this series I won't be using the words 'true love' because they've become so attached to meanings that have little to do with Love itself. I'll, instead, be using the words 'real Love'. I hope when this series is over you'll understand why I make that distinction. Any pattern of thought or behavior that doesn't reflect the Holy image of God isn't Love and has little or nothing to do with Love. Love is a very special thing brought to be by a sovereign God. Any deviation from what God intends for it to be and it ceases to be Love in the truest sense of the word.
OK, enough for now. Let me say again, this isn't meant to be exhaustive, but to give you some insight and the desire to know more about it. A good place to start in your search for more is I John, chapter four, verses eight through eleven. You're invited back as we delve more deeply into this subject. .........And so it goes.......

Friday, February 16, 2007

The gospel according to.......John, Paul, George and Ringo???

Good Morning all. I'm glad you all are taking the time to read this, another chapter in the continuing saga of Mike's blog. Since it's eighteen degrees outside, and I'm still chilled to the bone from having worked outside yesterday (it barely made it to freezing) I'm offering a limited menu of beverages. There are four choices: coffee or chocolate or coffee or chocolate. You pick which of the four you'd like. :-D Anyway, the most important thing is that you stay warm and relaxed as your read and enjoy.
The posting of this chapter finds us on to something else. Something that everyone has experience with, or has experienced in the past. For some it's been a wonderful and life changing thing, for others it's ranged from mildly bad to horrible. In spite of the experience though, we all crave and demand it. As a matter of fact, I'm not sure any of us could live without it. The irony is though, most don't even know what it truly is. As JL, PM, GH and RS sang "all you need is Love". Well...not 'all' you need. When I was nineteen and just married, my teenage bride and I tried living off of Love. We both lost a lot of weight we didn't need to lose, but I'd highly recommend the diet. Very effective and the most fun of any diet I've heard of. Anyway, my way of saying, there is more to life than Love but I can think of nothing more essential. It ranks right up there with water and food. In this, and subsequent postings, I'd like to talk a bit about Love. It's source, it's promise, what it is, the fulfilling effect it has on our lives and it's potential effects, both positive and/or negative. I suppose one could call this chapter a 'tease' because I'm stopping here. I will though, in the next day or so begin posting on this. I'd be happy to have you join me in the journey. ..........And so it goes.........

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

I'm back....sort of.

Good Morning. Just a quick note to say that I'm going to start posting to the blog again. Frankly, I've been a bit discouraged with it but seem to working through it. :-) Anyway...a short post here.
I've been contemplating the connections between Hope and Faith. A quick word about it then on to something else. 'Hope' and 'Faith' are so interconnected as to be non-existent if one is removed. The reason we can have faith is because we have Hope. The reason we have Hope is because of our Faith. Would you agree. In my travels through life I've noticed the inseparability of the two. The longer I live the more firmly that precept is re enforced. I'll be back with more posts in a couple of days on a new yet old part of life. Something that makes life worth living.
.........And so it goes.........

Monday, January 15, 2007


Good evening again all! Welcome back. I told you that it wouldn't be so very long this time, huh? I attempt to be a man of my word, so here I am. Step in and claim your seat. Place your orders and your refreshment will be served right up. Oh, yeah. No one would drink the water last time since it wasn't filtered, so I added a filter. ( :-D ) OK, OK. I'm being quiet on that now. On to the reason for this chapter. We talked a bit about "Faith" last chapter. Now we'll continue that. The first ingredient was believing. Believing in what? Ah, therein lies the question for us all. Then we continued on to Trust. Let us not mix up faith and trust. Trust is an important ingredient but isn't the whole thing. Now let us go on to the next ingredient. Without this next one our faith is only a word. It comes from Holy Scriptures, from the book of Hebrews chapter eleven verse one. If you look in the King James version it'll have the word 'substance', right? That was a good word to use in the days of King James, but in today's vernacular it would be easier understood if it read 'reality'. In the original Greek language it's written "stasis". (two different 's' sounds) Literally it means to know something so surely that you stand effectively and unimpaired. Read this way you could say the writer is saying that in everyday living our Faith is what makes God real to us. Said another way, Faith is what makes God real to everyone around us. He becomes our reality because of our Faith. OK, to the next ingredient. It comes from the second part of the same verse. The word I'll use is 'Proof'. The literal Greek word is " elegxos ". The King James uses the word evidence. Again, a good word in the days of King James, but the word 'Proof ' is much better when using today's English. It's used in the context of a Judicial hearing or court case. In court, the one with the most compelling 'evidence' is the winner. (well, it's supposed to work that way) Better said, the one with the "proof " carries the day. In our everyday living our Faith is very often the best " proof " of the God in which we so devoutly believe. Sometimes, for some people, it's the only " proof " that they ever see. So, it's up to us to show God through our Faith. It's our reality and their proof. OK, enough for tonight. If you want more on this word just let me know in the comments. If I don't see that I'll continue to the next and last word for this series of chapters. So, with that said, I'll ease out and let you enjoy this chapter on Faith. ........And so it goes.........

Saturday, January 13, 2007

News of a sundry nature...and ..."Word number two".

Good evening all. Let me acknowledge first of all that I've been delinquent in this, the next chapter. For that I apologize and promise to try to do better. In reality though, this post required some research, which I've done, but still feel ill qualified to write, but on the other hand it's my blog and if I don't who will? ( :-D ) Last time, after offering mint juleps, I had a request for, of all things, water. So, I'm adding water to the menu of items offered. With that said, pull up your chair (most have assigned seats now) place your order, enjoy your beverage and read. The news I spoke of in the title is this. I went to my arm Doctor last Wednesday and was told that my elbow is in great shape. I think the words He used were 'It couldn't look better'. I, not wanting to under go another such surgery, was more than happy to hear that. Crissy and I spent a fun filled evening at B. B. Kings blues club the night before the appointment and that was a really great treat for me. I wish Kim could have gone too. We missed her being there and commented on that. OK, enough of the news and on to the word for this chapter. (and maybe others to follow too) The word is (drum rolllllllllllllllll)..........Faith. Again, let me say that I feel singularly unqualified to do the writing for this but here goes. Faith is a word of immense proportions. It's used rather freely and glibly in our society and language. There are several theories about the source of the word but the most commonly held view is that it came from the Latin. The Latin word was "fides" from which we also get our word 'confide' from. It meant to have a hard, unshakable and firmly held belief. I'll touch on different 'ingredients' of the word as we know it. Let me say here that for me it's a very seriously held word. I suppose the first ingredient would be "belief". We all have a belief system by which we live. That system governs our thought processes and behavior in our walk everyday. If you know a persons beliefs you'll be able to easily figure out their values (or lack thereof), their priorities (or lack thereof) and future behaviors. Our belief systems are often neglected because most don't give any thought at all to it. The question for you and I to ask tonight (and lots of other nights) are...What do I belief and why? The next ingredient is 'trust'. Most of us think that faith and trust are mostly interchangeable. Let me emphatically say here that they are not. Trust is a part of faith. If you remove trust faith fails but the same can be said for belief. Oh yeah, some other words to come also. Trust is, like most everything else, a choice. It's easily destroyed and long and slowly built. I don't think that there is anyone in the world that hasn't been guilty of destroying the trust others have had for us. Most of us, if given the chance, can rebuild that trust but it's a long, slow and arduous process. At the same time, we've all lost trust for someone else and they've had to rebuild it. Wow, this could be the longest chapter ever, huh? This is the basics and the best is yet to come. At least it was the best and most exciting for me. So, on that note, I'm going to close this chapter with the promise to continue it in a couple of days. The research being done, I promise it won't be more than a day or two before the next exciting chapter in "Mike's blog". So, keep checking in. ...........And so it goes..............

Wednesday, December 27, 2006

I still Hope so..... and ....another mule story.

Good evening everyone. This chapter is sort of a duel purpose one. SO....kick back and relax while you read. You can take off your shoes if your feet are clean. ( :-D ) I'm taking orders for refreshments so let me know. My specialty is still Mint Julep though. Before I take off on this story I want to add an addendum to the last post. One thing I left out is a word heard commonly in our society and it has everything to do with hope, or the lack of hope. I know so very many people that can relate to this. It's call 'depression' and it's a debilitating problem to deal with. I know because I've fought it for a long time. If it weren't for my shrink I might not have made it this far. Let me hasten to add that loss of hope isn't the cause for ALL depression. Sometime one loses hope because of the depression. It is a common factor though and they go hand in hand with other. OK...on to something else. Next chapter will start on the next word in this short series. I had an interesting conversation not long ago and had a request for more stories about my old arch enemies, the mules. It's been many chapters since I mentioned them, so if you're not familiar with the chapters on them you should go back and catch up. This story is based in fact. My first cousin and best friend when growing up was Buddy. His nickname of course. Buddy and I were pretty much inseparable when young. Come to think of it, I'll have to post about Buddy later. An interesting character if I've ever known one. Anyway, I'm off of my subject. On this particular day Buddy and I were in the back of the farthest field, He with the Black mule and me with the Red one. It was a day in early June and the cotton I was plowing was about ten to twelve inches high. Buddy was plowing an area that had not long ago been cleared for planting, but was not yet ready. We called it 'new ground'. The day was beautiful but hot and we didn't want to be there, but the mules wanted to be there less than we. As I was trudging along behind the mule and feeling sorry for myself ( :-D ) I suddenly heard such a clatter that I looked up to see what was the matter. I heard that lyric somewhere lately. The problem was clear as soon as I looked up. The spectacle was Buddy running along behind the Black mule as fast as He could. It seems that it was a stampede. The Black mule had decided to go to the barn and had broken into a dead run in that direction. Buddy, it seems, had wrapped the reins around his wrist. I laugh now as I recall the sight. There went Buddy, taking strides about twenty feet long trying hard to keep up and not fall. All the time though, He was working just as hard to get the reins unwrapped from his wrist. While all this was happening the plow He was using (called a scratcher) was bouncing up and down and all over the place. As I stood watching this in amazement, mouth hanging open, it suddenly struck me as one of the funniest things I'd witnessed to that point in my young life. (about sixteen years of it at that point) As the pair of them went racing by all I could do was stand there and laugh my head off...along with other parts of my anatomy. I still think it was one of the funniest things ever. Even Buddy can chuckle about it now, but it took him a long time to get to that point. After tying my mule to a tree in the shade, I ran to join Buddy that was hurriedly striding along the dirt road. After catching up with him I immediately saw that keeping quiet was a good policy at that point in time. Which is what I did. I didn't think He could be more angry till we came into sight of the barn. There stood the old Black mule, patiently standing at the gate waiting for someone to let him in. I then realized that it was possible for Buddy to be more angry. As a matter of fact, I began to be afraid He would burst a blood vessel or blow his cork, or whatever was going to happen. When He finally began to speak He....well....I shan't repeat what was said, but believe me when I say it was a work of art and took great imagination. Thus were the life and times of Mike and Buddy in the days we look back upon and call "the good old days". .............And so it went..........

Friday, December 22, 2006

I certainly Hope so....... (first word)

Good evening everyone, and welcome to this chapter. I'm honored and flattered that you would once again take time from your busy lives (especially this time of year) to visit this blog. So, let me welcome you in. Sit, relax and let me know what you want for refreshment and it'll be served right up.
In the very first post to this blog I made clear my purpose for starting and continuing this endeavor. Let me repeat it so you won't have to look all the way back to recall it. My stated purpose was/is to offer hope and encouragement to all who read. To this point I've mostly dedicated myself to letting everyone get to know me a bit. Of course there is still much most don't know. Over time though you will. I begin now mixing the chapters a bit to accomplish that.
In the last chapter I said that there were three words which I'd like to talk a bit about. This post will be on the first of those. This is something I know something about, mostly because I've been to the extreme on both sides of this word. The word for this chapter is..(drum roll)... HOPE. A very simple word which we all use pretty much daily and mostly without thinking about it. A word we tend to use rather freely. I've done a bit of research about it. The dictionaries I've consulted describe it as (I'll paraphrase a bit here) "an expectation of achieving something or of something coming to pass". I've thought long and hard about how to write this (and continue to do so) and realize that I'll have to write it from my own perspective. Hope is thought to be different things by different people. To everyone it has a different significance and value. So, from my perspective, here goes. I can think of very few things that is more important. To a person in combat it has a huge significance. I can tell you that the sound of a helicopter is like a sound from heaven itself. I can say that, to a cancer patient (been there) Hope has a vast importance. It means the continuation of life itself. I can say that to someone that's lonely it has a wonderful meaning. In that respect it springs eternal (so to speak). To someone that's watched a loved one slowly wilt and die before your eyes it has an even different value. To someone that is wrestling with a hard and difficult career it means something better at some point. To someone that's gone through a bitter divorce it means life afterward. To someone that has been so very stressed that they can barely make it from day to day hope has a very special significance. I stated a bit ago that I'd be writing this from a personal perspective since it's the only one I know. That's what I'm doing. I've had all those experiences I've described. In the year two thousand one I was going through or had just gone through many of the things I just described. It was at that time I lost all hope that anything would ever be better. I became suicidal because of that loss. I was hospitalized for a short time then began seeing a therapist and continue to do so. It's the reason I'm still here and writing this. I've come to know that to remove someones hope is to end their life. I can say with certainty that if one has no hope they won't allow themselves to continue to live. Everyone reading this can relate to some degree to what I've said. Everyone can recall times in your life when hope was dim or gone. Although that be true, only those that have been without hope can know the anguish brought on by the total loss of hope. I believe that Solomon said it best in Ecclesiastes chapter nine verse four. I won't write out the verse here so you'll have to look it up for yourselves. It says "where there is life there is hope". Also, Jeremiah said in Lamentations chapter three verses twenty one through twenty six, that we are all (whether we acknowledge it or not) totally dependent on God. Being dependent on God is what gives us eternal hope. Sorry, you'll have to look that one up too. Let's face it. Without that hope that comes from God we're all fighting a losing battle. Let me say before I stop and crawl into bed that I now have hope out the waa zoo. (that taken from the movie 'over the hedge') ( :-D ) To conclude this I'll give you something I've learned over the years. While Solomon is absolutely right that 'where there is life there's hope' the reverse of that sentence is also true. Where there is hope there's life too. Ask anyone that's lost or almost lost either. .........And so it goes...........

Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Three crucial words that give life meaning......

Good evening all! Thank you once again for showing up to check out this chapter. It's a bit past my bedtime so I shall not linger long on this post. The purpose of this chapter is to introduce the next several posts on this blog. I promise if you come back you'll learn something and leave encouraged. If that's what happens I'll have accomplished what I started out to do. Again, since it' s now past my bedtime and my eyelids are heavy I'm going to leave it at that for now with the promise that I'll be back very soon to continue what I started tonight. I'll look forward to seeing you again soon. ........and so it goes.........

Saturday, December 16, 2006

The nomad wanderer............

Good Morning everyone...I bet the morning part threw you all off your stride, huh? It's uncommon to have morning posts. At any rate, welcome to this, another chapter in the life. I'm pleased to announce that since the last post I've taken yet another trip. I departed on the ninth of this month, spent the weekend in Jacksonville, Fl. and visited the Church My deceased wife and I used to attend. I was fortunate enough to find friends there that I haven't seen in about three decades. They are doing well I'm pleased to say. On Monday the eleventh I left there and headed south for sunny south Florida. There I spent three marvelous days and nights with my wonderful nephew and his beautiful wife. Let me hasten to say here that, while she is very beautiful on the outside, Her true beauty is on the inside. Brad and Mandy are truly blest to have found each other in this crazy, mixed up world. While there I visited Ft. Lauderdale, the sight of many adventures for a blond young boy that was wide eyed with the world around him. I did indeed identify the exact spot that the boy directed traffic for a short time. I also was able to identify the spot that some young boys were picked up by the police and taken home to their certain doom. ( :-D ) I was also blest to meet up with a wonderful friend and her family for dinner. What a joyous occasion that was. I look forward to a lifelong friendship with them. In all I drove about two thousand miles. It was a trip I'd looked forward to for many, many years. I have to say here that it was a complete success. Well, until I got back into Birmingham. It took two very long and draining hours just to get through that unfortunate city. It seems that about eighty percent of the people in that metropolis don't know that the left lane is for passing and the right lane is for traveling. It makes for a tough drive. OK, I'm off of my soap box! To answer a question that has been posed to me more than once. Yes, I did indeed go alone. I played many CDs and sang to my hearts content. (I kept the windows up on my truck so no one could hear) Anyway, that's the latest on the life about which you've read so much. I've been asked for more mule stories so I'll post another chapter or two about those cursed animals. ...........And so it went............

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Yea, tho I walk thru the valley of Misconception.....

Good evening everyone, and thank you for taking the time from your busy lives to visit. I know that this time of year is especially tough for some, and sadly so. I was just explaining to someone that I don't get involved in the commercialism of Christmas, but prefer to watch as others race through their lives in a desperate attempt to accomplish all that's expected of them. To that I say "Bless their little hearts"!!! Ok, Ok...Enough Mike. Get on with the post! Anyway, welcome and pull up a chair, ask for your favorite drink and relax as you read.
This particular chapter is about living life in a swirl of misconceptions. As we walk through our lives we tend to be labeled by those around us. Hopefully in small ways but labeled nonetheless. The last couple of days I've been working to recall the times in my life that I've been labeled with a misconceived idea. Here are the conclusions I've come to on the subject. (One) Misconceptions come in all shapes and sizes. (Two) They come from people in every walk of life and social status. (Three) No matter where they come from or what the misconception is it affects our life in some way, and it's usually in a negative one. (Four) When a misconception is formed it's almost impossible to change it to what is the truth. Partly because it's very hard to find out that it exists and partly because it's in the mind of another person and we human beings tend to believe what we choose to believe. Since it's mostly impossible to change another persons mind the misconception lives on and thrives in fertile soil till it becomes a permanent fixture. I've also considered the times that I have had misconceptions. Of course it's nigh impossible to count the total times but I can recall some of the times I've nursed misconceptions. Speaking for me (since I'm the only one that can), the times I've developed a misconception is when I've looked at a part of the whole and decided that I knew the 'whole truth'. That is, in fact, where most are born. A really sad thing is, we miss out on so very much in life because we develop misconstrued lines of thought about someone or something, be it big or little. A misconception, in my humble opinion, isn't actually a 'lie', but is indeed very close kin. It's amazing how quickly a misconception can become a full blown lie, simply by the expression thereof. I wish I could truthfully deny having ever done that, but alas, I cannot. A good example of the misconception is how political ideas are planted in the minds of voters. They are then mulled over for a few seconds then develop into grown up lies. The better example though, is when we (you and I) see a part of something and assume it to be the whole and then assume that it's the total truth when, in fact, it is not. Ok, Ok. I'll stop. Before I stop completely let me encourage you to, before you make up your mind as to the truth, pursue the whole picture and find out the whole story. In doing so it will make life so much easier for you and those that are being misconceived. .........And so it goes.............

Thursday, November 30, 2006


Good evening everyone. I know I've been missed so I won't ask if I have. ( :-D ) Since it's late and the kitchen has been cleaned I'm not going to offer refreshments, but you're welcome to supply your own. At any rate, pull up a chair, sit back and take in another chapter.
I've stated in past posts that I am indeed a very blessed man. Blessed, I might add, beyond what I deserve. Tonight, I talk about one of those blessings. Her name is Maggie and she's my oldest granddaughter, being ten and a half years of age. (let us not forget the half) She and her youngest brother are here visiting with me for a few days. I'm not sure I could handle Brody if Maggie were't here, so thanks Maggie. More on Brody later. Now, more on Maggie. The older Maggie gets the prettier she gets. As she grows physically she also is becoming more and more of a little lady. Also as she grows on the outside she is growing at a remarkable rate spiritually. Maggie is, without doubt, the most kind hearted and gentle young lady I know. She reminds me greatly of her Mom when her Mom was that age. Maggie is someone you just love to be around. Partly because she's just very likeable. Partly because she has just a gentle spirit and soul. Partly because she has so much compassion. I've thought the last few days about this post and how I was going to put it all down in print. The one thing one has to look out for with Maggie is the depth of the questions she poses from time to time. Sometime the questions she asks require that I give considerable thought about how to answer. The depth of the questions she asks gives me great pride in her intellect and the decernment God has put in her heart. It also tends to keep my on my toes as I endouver to give the best answer I can, and hopefully the right one. One of the things I look forward to is watching Maggie grow from the ten year old she is now to the woman of God she is to become. Watching God use the gentleness and Love that she has so much of to His own purpose. Just a bit about why I'm so greatly blessed ............And so it goes..........

Tuesday, November 14, 2006


Good evening everyone. Welcome to this chapter. Pull up a chair and place your order, remembering of course, that it's five o'clock somewhere. ( :-D ) I'm pleased that you're taking time and stopping your life briefly to catch up on this blog. I started a short while back posting on the Grandchildren. I started, of course, with Ty. Now it's time to talk a bit about Ellas. Ellas is seven years old with boundless energy, thin and wiry and with an impish grin. One thing that I find remarkable about Ellas, besides his limitless energy, is that if one slows him down long enough the reward will be a hug. He is a very affectionate little guy and a smile is never very far from his face. Don't get me wrong. He does have his moments, but that simply makes him human like the rest of us. God has, it seems, blessed him with an infectious attitude. Anyone that's around him for very long can't help but smile a bit and find their spirits lifted somewhat. Of course he has a mischievous nature too. He enjoys aggravating his cousins some. Well, a lot actually, but again, that makes him human. Albeit, a very young and small one. Let me not forget to mention also that Ellas cannot stand to eat green beans. ( :-D ) The reason for the timing of this post is that about a week ago, after having been to the Pediatrician a couple of times, He was admitted to Children's hospital in Birmingham. I'm convinced, as is everyone else, that if he'd not been admitted His young life would have ended. Many many tests were administered and the final conclusion by the Doctors was that he had Stevens Johnson syndrome, or SJS. At the risk of over simplifying, he had a massive reaction to some medication or combination of medications that he'd been prescribed. He is now at home and improving daily. I believe that the reason he's still alive is because God answered many prayers. My thanks to the professionals at children's for their dedicated and tireless work. My thanks, most of all to Kim and Scott for being loving and diligent parents. I love you guys a lot!! In conclusion let me comment that in fifty seven years of life I've rarely encountered a child that sick that recovered. I was very scared. Thank you God for bring health to him once again. ..........And so it goes..........

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

A little known part of me............

Good evening and welcome! I'm so very pleased to have you drop in for a visit. It flatters me that you all would take time from busy schedules to drop in. So, come in, pull up a chair and order yourself something to drink. Relax while you read. The little known part that I'm going to tell about surprises most people when they hear about it. It's a part of my life that I remember fondly. Here it is..... In nineteen seventy two, when my wife and I had been married just over three years and Kim was two years old, I'd just gotten out of the Navy and was looking for a job. As much of a relief it was being out of the Military I found myself with a family and without a job. One day I was at the church that we attended and was ask to take some stuff to the 'home for children', not to be confused with the orphanage. This home for children was for children that had parents but the parents didn't want them, for whatever "reason". It was while I was there that I was offered a job. It was a job I'd never considered so I told them that I'd have to think about it. Of course, not having a job I thought about it a lot and very quickly. The conclusion I came to was that I'd give it a try. So....Try we did. After selling our house the next week we loaded up our worldly belongings and headed east. I still have difficulty believing we'd accumulated so much. ( :-D ) Upon arriving at the home we were assigned to a 'cottage' that housed sixteen little boys ranging from the ages of six to twelve. We were house parents, bless our hearts. We were there for about three months, until a visit to a doctor, where we received the news of the pregnancy. Yep. We were once again going to have a child. Crissy is the blessed result. Having that in our future, and knowing the problems my wife had with carrying a child I decided to, once again, move. While there though, we set about making memories that have stayed with me for these many years. I can still recall many of the names of the boys. There was a Roland, Paul, Petey, Wilson, Broadus, John and I'll have to get my old list out to recall the others. Since the names won't mean anything to you all I'll refrain. While there I was in charge of the running of the farm as well as the running of the house we were in. As one can imagine, there was never a dull moment. If you all want I can recall some of the moments that were most memorable. That was a time in my life that I'll never forget and often recall. Ok, I'll stop writing so I can go to bed. Before I go though, let me say that I often wonder about those little boys. They'd long since have grown into men now and have made their way into whatever avenues of life they've chosen. Sometime I think of trying to track them down but that never gets past the thinking stage. Anyway, now you know about a part of me that until now no one has known much about. Goodnight ..................And so it went.............

Saturday, October 28, 2006


Good morning everyone! Thank you again for popping in to read this chapter of this blog. Just a short post here.
I'd like to welcome a little lady to this big wide world. Her name is Sarah Kathryn and she is now about a month old. I won't say how cute she is since ALL babies are cute. I will say, however, that since she is my first, and so far only, great niece, that she is exceptional in every way. Welcome Sarah Kathryn to this world, such as it is. I promise here and now that I'll be the very best great uncle that I can be and will be there for you as God gives me the ability to do that. ................And so it goes................

Friday, October 27, 2006

The REAL "simple life"......

Good evening once again to everyone. I'm very pleased to have you taking your valuable time from your busy lives to read this edition of this blog. I have refreshments to offer. Just name what you want and it'll be served right up!
This particular chapter is about something quite wonderful I've observed over the years. Something that makes my heart smile. No...Not smile, but grin! It makes me want to laugh out loud and I often do when thinking of this. You all have seen or heard ( hopefully just heard about) the TV show named 'the simple life' starring those infamous and questionable "ladies" named Paris and Nicole. It is to me a horrendous show that should never have been considered for air time. So......without further ado, let me introduce the "real simple life". As I progress in life and hopefully maturity, I've come to know the real simplicity of the life of a child. It's a world filled with wonder at the things they experience. A world filled with awe because of the things they learn. I often spend a lot of time with young children, mostly my grandchildren. I never cease to be amazed at the things that brings them joy and brings laughter to their face. An experience such as just swinging in a tire swing. When I swing them in the tire swing I built for them I hear peals of laughter floating on the wind. That laughter can be heard all over the neighborhood. I see the joy brought about by simply taking a walk while they hold on to my hand. The joy of a wildflower as they stoop to examine it. The thrill of watching an insect as it buzzes through the air. The excitment when they see someone they love holding out their arms for them to run into. Oh for the real simple life that we all seem to lose a part of as we get older and more exposed to the world in which we live. Not the mockery of the 'simple life' as shown on tv. As I ponder the world of a child I'm reminded of the song by Louis Armstrong "What a wonderful world". A very fitting tribute to a child's world it seems to me. Sing it Louis! ............And so it goes..........

Thursday, October 26, 2006

"The whirling dervish" or "How the beltway was conquered".

Good evening everyone. I apologize for the lateness of this post and recognize the tardiness of posting to my blog. My only excuse is that I've been super busy. Hey, it's the most convenient excuse I can come up with on short notice. ( :-D ) The title of this chapter of the blog is, I know, a bit confusing but the truth is it's your choice. Believe me when I say that either title will fit well. This particular chapter is about the 'vacation' I took with my oldest brother, Jerry. What an experience, and I add quickly, one that I don't intend to repeat. (unless I completely lose the rest of my mind)
We started the trip at about seven p.m. and drove until we reached out destination at roughly four a.m. Upon reaching Lynchburg, VA. We promptly slept until eleven a.m. What a start to a vacation, huh? After visiting with my nephew and his charming wife for a day or two we then set off on a mind shattering three day tour of five states and the District of Columbia. The first day of the tour we hit Monticello and Gettysburg, and before you say anything, they are a couple of hundred miles apart. What we saw in those quick hours was mind numbing and meant to be seen in a much longer time. After seeing Gettysburg (and I use the word seeing loosely) We drove a couple more hours into Maryland where we spent the night. After rising early the next morning, having breakfast, etc. We then headed for D.C. I hardly know at this point how to describe that experience. After checking into our hotel we spent the waning hours of the day at the Holocost museum (about forty five minutes there) then on to the Smithsonian. Two whole hours I recall it being. Then it was back to the hotel and a quick nights sleep. The next morning we were again up early, had breakfast then headed out to catch the subway to Arlington. We spent a whole hour there glancing at what should take a whole day to see. Then it was on to the National mall where we took in the Lincoln memorial. At that point Jerry and I parted ways for a bit. After a hurried visit there I walked to the Korean war memorial then on down the mall to the World war II memorial. What a magnificent sight to behold. Breathtaking really. Then it was on to the Washington monument where Jerry and I once again met up. Let me interject here that I'm working hard to recall the events because I don't generally think as fast as things actually transpired. Day three came and we were on to Richmond where we saw St. James Episcopal Church, then on to Appomatix. Both of those places amid the five hour drive back to Lynchburg. By that time I was pretty much numb and ready to get back home. Thinking back on it I can't believe I survived as well as I did. Those kind of experiences only happen in the movies I thought. Well, I stand corrected. I wouldn't believe it either if I hadn't had a front row seat for the whole thing. Now the good news. I did, indeed, survive and am back. I'll write more on the subject later, but for now, I'm off to bed. Goodnight all..... .........And so it went..........

Thursday, October 12, 2006

Packing up and heading out........

Good afternoon. Yeah, I bet the afternoon part caught you all off guard, huh? Anyway, a short post to say I'll be gone on a trip for a week starting tomorrow, but as General Douglas said, "I shall return". Please don't sit around waiting for me to get back. ( :-D ) When I do get back I'll have some more exciting materal to blog about. That just so you'll be in breathless anticipation. ..............And so it is.............

Remembering Dennis.........

Good morning to all and thank you for taking valuable time from your day and from your life to read this post. I'll keep this one short since it's way past my bedtime. I'd offer you all something to drink but you're all asleep I suppose. ( :-D )
This post is about someone I've already written about once. I bet you all remember my post about my brother Dennis. As I write this, it being the twelfth of October, Dennis would if still alive, be sixty years old as of the tenth. As I write this and as I've thought about this a lot in the last few days I wonder what he'd have gone through and what he'd have become. I know that it's been forty three years since his last birthday but I'd like to say that I still miss him even after all this time. One can't lose a best friend as well as brother without being greatly affected for the rest of one's life. I plan to think of him every day and give God thanks for giving him to me for the fourteen years I had him.
Since it's now past my bedtime I'll conclude....... ...........And so it goes..........

Friday, October 06, 2006


Good evening everyone. Welcome once again to this blog. Go ahead and make yourselves at home. Kick back and relax. I'll get you're drinks and some snacks while you peruse this post.
This post this evening is about someone very special to me and just plain very special in every way. I'm guessing that you've figured out who it is from the title, right? Ty (that's short for Tymon) is my eight year old grandson. Oh yeah, he just reminded me that he's going to be nine in less than two weeks. I recall how important that is when one is eight, almost nine. Ty just happens to be the image of my brother Dennis. You remember, I posted about him several months ago, about his life and his death at the age of seventeen. The older Ty gets the more he looks like Dennis and has so very many of the same characteristics. Now, at this point, I'm going to adknowledge that I'm a bit predisposed to being super proud of Ty. That said and out of the way I'll continue. Ty is a very handsome and very intelligent young boy. He is a thinker and tends to be kind and gentle and tender hearted. When faced with something that he doesn't understand he first takes some time to think through what he does know, then asks the most intelligent questions. An example is, when studying electricity in school he would sit and think for a long period of time, then he'd come to me and ask questions that I found to be remarkable. The questions would have been average for a freshman in college. I'd then go over electrical theory, concentrating on the questions he'd ask. I would marvel at his curiosity and hunger to learn everything he could. As a companion, someone to spend time with and do things with, he is once again remarkable. Always very polite and considerate of the feelings of those around him. Opening the door so those entering or departing through the door could pass through first. At eight years of age he has learned, among other things, all of the books of the Bible in the correct order. (this without singing them) I suppose you can tell by now how proud I am of Ty and rightfully so. I see God doing great things in Ty's life as he gets older and am proud and thankful to be a very close part of such a wonderful work in progress! I'm going to be posting about the other grandchildren as time goes on. ............And so it goes...........

Saturday, September 30, 2006

A night on the town........

Good Evening everyone, and welcome to another edition of my blog. I seem to settling back in to the routine of posting in the evening, but I know you won't mind that. Step up and tell me what you want to drink and I'll have it for you in a jiffy. I have tea, milk and water. Take your drink and settle in for this edition. So...Sit back and enjoy this, another story in a thus far long and satisfying life, a life which just happens to be the one I've lived.
Let me say before I start this that it is indeed a true story. That said I'll begin. The setting for this story is in Ft. Lauderdale. The date was in or around 1953 at which time I was the ripe old age of four years old. We lived on Davie Blvd. Not too far from State road seven. My Dad, being a builder, was in the process of building a new house for us in front of the house that we lived in. I remember it well. It was a huge house as the neighborhood went. It had four bedrooms and two bathrooms, which may not sound like much today, but in the 1953 neighborhood in which we lived it was a marvel. I can still see it in my minds eye. Ok, enough of the house. When my Dad had the house almost done, ie. Windows and doors in place and locks installed, etc. My two older brothers and a first cousin decided that they wanted to "camp out" in the house one night. Of course I wanted to be a part of that too. The cousin was the oldest, being about nine years old, my oldest brother being about eight, the next oldest brother was about seven. I remember about nine or ten o'clock being taken to the house with bedrolls, pillows and other such things and being told to stay inside till they came to get us the next morning. I then remember all of us talking and giggling about the adventure we were on. The next thing I recall everyone had waked up and was talking. It appeared to be rather light outside so the powers that be concluded that it was daylight. Actually, it was the street lights shining in the windows. The two oldest delegated the seven year old to slip outside, slip up to the house, find out what time it was, then come back and report what he'd found out. So....The seven year old slipped out the door, (the same one we'd been forbidden to leave out of till morning) eased up to the house, looked at the clock through a window, then came back and reported to us that it was indeed about daylight. He said that it was six thirty in the morning. What everyone of the powers that be failed to consider was, the seven year old hadn't yet learned to tell time. He had, it seemed, simply guessed. After careful consideration and much discussion it was decided by the elders of the group that since it was almost time for breakfast we'd take an early morning stroll. We then started out of the door (yep, the same forbidden door) then the elders noticed how dark it still was. Not stopping to consider that a mistake had been made in the intelligence report made by the seven year old they wisely, or not so wisely, as the case may be, decided to take something for protection. So....Back into the house we went, and straight to the tool box that was there. The oldest of the elders decided that he'd take a hachett (just for protection you understand). The second oldest of the elders decided that a crowbar would be good for the same aforementioned protection. The seven year old (the one that brought back the intelligence report) chose for himself a handsaw. I still haven't figured out how a handsaw was going to protect anything or anyone. After deliberating some the elders decided that I was too young to have a weapon for protection. I recall being disappointed but accepting. Having dispensed with the planning formalities we then set out on our 'stroll'. We started out on Davie Blvd. Then headed west toward State road seven. I'm not sure which of the elders was in charge of route planning so I won't spectulate on it. Regardless of the decision making processes we started out and soon was on State road seven, which was a very busy road, being the main artery north and south for Ft. Lauderdale. We had, as I recall, walked about two blocks headed south when a police car drove by headed north. It immediately made a U-turn and started back our way. The oldest of the elders at that point made the statement "They're coming after us", to which the second oldest of the elders said "they are not". The oldest one was right. The police car, with the two policemen came to a stop beside us. I don't recall much about the conversation but it went something like this. Policeman: What are you boys doing out here? One of the elders: Just taking a walk before breakfast. Policeman: You boys know it's only two o'clock in the morning, don't you? One of the elders: No sir. We thought it was six thirty (with a look at the seven year old) Policeman: What are you boys doing with the tools? One of the elders: We just brought them for protection. We wanted to be ready if someone jumped on us. Policeman: Well, now that we're here you won't need them so let me have them. The elders: Yes sir (handing the tools to the policeman). Policeman: (having retrieved the tools) You boys get into the back seat. One of the elders: Yes sir. We all at that point got into the back seat of the police car amid whispers of "I bet they take us to jail", and "I wonder what they're going to do to us". Then one of the policemen ask one of the elders "where do you boys live"? The second oldest elder then replied by telling them what our address was. I remember well the short ride back to our home. The police car drove into our driveway, stopped, then one of them got out, went to the door and knocked. After waiting for what seemed to be several hours my Dad came to the door. The conversation went something like this. Policeman: Sir, do you have some young boys? My Dad: Yes, we do. Policeman: Do you know where they are? My Dad: Yes, they're asleep in that house right there (indicating the house we'd been in). It was at that moment in time that my Dad happened to look at the police car and saw four little heads in the back seat. The policeman waved to his partner and we were told to unload and go to the house we were living in. I remember a sense of dread as I walked toward where my Dad was standing in the doorway. My two brothers went first, and as they walked into the house they were picked up and very soundly spanked. I had hopes that since I was so young that I'd be spared, but alas, it wasn't to be so. As I walked into the house I too was unceremoniously picked up and soundly spanked. The oldest elder, thinking that since he was only a cousin he'd escape the punishment, stood outside and laughed under his breath. As he approached the door though, he too was picked up and very soundly spanked. I've thought since that it was ironic because he also got a spanking from his Dad the next afternoon. There you have the story of the night on the city of Ft. Lauderdale in the year of our Lord Nineteen fifty three. Now, since the story is told, and you've read it and hopefully enjoyed it, I'm off to bed. Goodnight all. ............And so it went.............

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

The observations of an experienced American.

Good Evening everyone and welcome to another post of this blog. I decided when I started this blog that I would keep politics completely out of it, but have decided to make an exception. I wonder sometime if our form of government is still "of the people, by the people and for the people." It seems to me that 'politics as usual' has eroded the way of life that most Americans remember and used to enjoy. Politicians, it seems as a whole, has completely lost touch with Americans and their values. The very politicians we elect bend over backward to thrust liberal judges on us regardless of what the majority want. Our elected officials do so little as to be totally useless in the capacity in which they're supposed to be serving. To cite a few examples, our borders (especially the southern one) is a raw and open sore that makes the average American nauseous. The laws those politicians pass they refuse to enforce which makes them as useless as the politicians themselves. Another example is loyalty by certain officials to party politics. They seem to be more loyal to their own mind set and personal interests than they are to the welfare and well being of the country to which they owe so very much. To name names I'd have to start with the names of Kerry and Murtha. Two veterans which are a disgrace to the uniforms they wore. I wish it's wasn't known that they had served in the military. They are so intent on their own interests that they are willing to dishonor the President of the United States. To go a bit further, we had a President that was unwilling to serve in the military of which He became commander in chief. A man that openly dodged the draft when so many willingly left the life they knew to serve and are left to live with the scars. That I call cowardice. A man too that disgraced the oval office while the rest of the world laughed at him and us. Ok, I'll hush on the subject after making one observation. If the United States of America were a person it would take decades of therapy to bring a degree of health back to it. I now promise that this will be the one and only post of a political nature on this blog. Please forgive me but I feel strongly that this all needed to be said. We can take heart though. The God which so many are trying so hard to expel completely from our country stands with the ones that stand with and for him. He will never forsake us, so take heart. .........And so it goes...........

Sunday, September 24, 2006

The party guy.......

Good morning all and welcome to the world of Mike. Such an exciting world it is too! Today, I was 'the' party guy'. Ellas and Gracie had their birthday party today and I was fortunate and privledged to attend. What a joy to see them and their siblings and most of their young friends enjoying themselves. If one likes to party, one needs watch the single digit people. Those little ones really know how to party. ( :-D ) It's amazing how much fun can be had from balloons. Popping them, blowing them up and then letting them go and watching them fly across the room, throwing them at each other. The list goes on. I had the opportunity to have my face painted by my ten year old granddaughter, Maggie, and my three year old grandson Brody. Maggie is quite the artist and I was very impressed with her work. Brody, on the other hand, was very intense and passionate with his work. He isn't talented in the arts though. ( :-D ) After the party was over we (Kim, Crissy and I) cleaned up then I took Ellas and Gracie to Walmart so they could pick out their birthday presents from me. Gracie chose a "Barbie" set that included a 'cell phone', purse, compact and something else that I don't remember. Ellas chose a star wars character set that included two figures of Darth Vader and three other characters I wasn't familar with. Ok, I'll stop with this story, but it was a very special day from start to the final finish. I know that sounds redundant but I like the way it sounds. ( :-D ) Since it's two in the morning I think I'll end this particular post and retire for the night, or what's left of it. ..............And so it goes...........

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Checking in once more after a sabbatical

Good evening all. I'm back on again after taking a time away from blogger. Just wanted to take a break from some things. Blogging was one of them. I don't suppose many missed me, but for those that did, thanks. ( :-D )
I'm going to, in this short post, pose a question for meditation. Just something to think about, and here it is......Which is most important and helpful, to find the correct answers or to find the right questions? Think about it ......... And so it goes.

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

How the lieutenant skidded the waves....

Good evening and welcome to the world of Mike. I'm very happy to have you drop in and visit, so pull up a chair and order what you want. The drink of the evening of water, but if you want something stronger I'll add lemon. ( :-D ) At any rate, enjoy yourself. The story for this evenings post is about something that I actually witnessed. I can still see it in my minds eye as clearly as if it had just happened. When it occurred I couldn't believe my eyes and still have trouble believing it. This happened in the pacific ocean in the early seventies. (I think) The squadron I was serving in was deployed on a aircraft carrier. On that particular deployment our line officer was Lt. Jones. Let me describe Lt. Jones. He was a gung ho wannbe genius that sadly missed that aspiration. The one most impressed with Lt. Jones was Lt. Jones. Ok, Ok, enough about the star of our tale. Lt. Jones was a pilot on a A7 corsair attack aircraft. When that particular plane was built it cost about three and a half million dollars. Today's cost would be more like thirty million. What made that plane special was the top secret gear it had. (now declassified of course) Being a plane captain I had to be present on the flight deck during launch and recovery. This particular event happened during recovery. (the planes landing on the carrier) The A7 had a two glaring weaknesses, one of which I'll dwell on here. The corsair had very weak nose wheel steering, which is what is used to steer when taxiing. Of course there wasn't that much taxiing done since it was in the air most of the time. On this occasion Lt. Jones had just landed on the flight deck, raised his tailhook and started to taxi out of the way of the next plane landing. As He pushed forward on the throttle to start the plane moving the nose wheel steering jammed in the port (left) position. Since he was already on the very port side of the ship there was only one place he could go. YEP, you guessed it. Right over the side of the ship. We all stood in dumb amazement as the plane headed nose first over the side of the ship and into the depths of the pacific ocean. Now, you're all wondering at this point "what about the pilot", right? I just had an evil thought. How about I just end this story here and let you wonder.
( :-D ) Naw...I won't do that. Anyway, Lt. Jones "punched out" or deployed the ejection seat just as the plane was hitting the water and had turned upside down. The position of the plane is what saved his life, but it's also what made this so funny. As the 'rocket' from the ejection seat fired it sent him skidding across the water like a stone skidded on a pond. Imagine hearing the plane hit the water as we watched Lt. Jones skid like a rock across the waves for more than a quarter of a mile. As I remember it I can still see him bouncing off of the waves. It was, I believe, one of the funniest things I can ever recall having seen. We all just stood with mouths open for a few seconds before abruptly erupting into gales of laughter. Our thoughts at the time 'it couldn't have happened to a nicer guy'. The angel, the rescue helicopter which was always in the air during flight operations, headed out to pick him up, and successfully retrieved him from the water no worse for wear. (just very stiff, sore and embarrassed) Needless to say, we weren't allowed to discuss the event in his presence. Needless to say also, we talked about it A LOT when he wasn't around. I'm very pleased to have witnessed that but I'm also glad that he wasn't hurt seriously. .........And so it went.........

Saturday, August 19, 2006

Wisdom for the wise.......

Hi again. I just finished posting and forgot to include this. It's something that occurred to me as I thought and meditated about life and how we live it. For me it was profound, and I hope it gives you something to think about it. Here it is. Today is yesterday's tomorrow! Ok, read it and contemplate. Once again .........And so it goes..........

"Ouch" He said with a smile.........

Good evening to everyone on this wonderful Saturday evening! Welcome to this post of this man's blog. I hope you enjoy it and invite you to pull up a chair and relax. Since it's a bit past the proper time for it I won't offer you one of my famous mint juleps, but do come back another time and it'll be on the menu. ( :-D )
I can tell what's going through your mind...It's "what kind of title is that"? Actually, it's one of thankfulness and celebration. As some of you know, and as the rest of you will know very shortly, I was in a head-on collision just over three years ago. (July four, two thousand and three) If you want to know the full story you'll need to go back over this blog and find the details listed in other places. In the course if the wreck I sustained twenty five broken bones, among various and sundry other injuries (which we won't go into now). The most severe being having to have a 'fake' elbow, which gives me pretty much full use of my left arm. Having said that let me say quickly that I'm very thankful for the metal elbow and consider myself blest because of it. Ok, Ok. The ground work laid, let me continue. I've been, for three years, trying to get back the stamina I used to have. The ability to do the things I would like to do without becoming so tired I couldn't function. This past week I was able, for the first time, to work a full week mostly consisting mostly of full days. I'm thrilled about it but with certain reservations. My arm is doing great. (which has been the main concern for most) The 'ouch' part of the title comes from my right knee. It is very sore and causes some pain though I'm able to do anything I want. This is, for me, a breakthrough in a comeback that has been for me a monumental achievement. Since I'm going to live till the year two thousand and fifty I have to work to stay in the best shape possible, huh? (that'll only make me 101 years old) Ok, I'll stop. Just wanted to let all of my favorite people know of my success in making a comeback. .........And so it goes.......

Sunday, August 13, 2006

The rebirth of a dream.....

Good evening everyone, and thank you for taking valuable time from your lives to check out this blog. Come on in, relax and make yourself at home while you read this post. Since it's so late on a Sunday night I'll only offer you a snack, but browse around and find what you like. ( :-D )
Ok, Ok...I'll explain the title. I'm finally going to have the opportunity to began doing some traveling again. It's long been a passion of mine, taking trips to different places, seeing different things, meeting different people. Of course, sometime I make return trips when the experience of the trips warrants it. For many years I looked forward to doing a bit of traveling, but for various and sundry reasons wasn't able to do so. Now, with my children grown and independent, my finances in somewhat better shape and being alone again I have that opportunity once again. Beginning the third week of next month I'll be off to Northern Ohio and Southern Michigan. My Mom and two of her sisters are going along to visit with the sister they have close to Toledo. After staying there a couple of days I'll venture forth and do some sightseeing. I'm even (I hope) going to cross over into Canada, thus adding another country to the list of countries I've been to. I am certainly looking forward to the trip. Then, in October my brother Jerry and I are heading out to Virginia to visit with Jerry's son Jason. While there we're talking about taking a couple of days and going into D.C. and poke around there a bit. Another trip I'm looking forward to. Then, in November, I'm heading south to Jacksonville, FL. For a day or two. (with maybe a stopover in Savannah, who knows) Since I used to live in Jacksonville there is much I want to see. After that couple of day stop I'm off further south to sunny south Florida. I'm going to stay a little while with my nephew Brad and his lovely life Amanda. (I'd better clue them in to the visit, huh?) I'm betting things have changed a bit since I moved away from there in nineteen fifty eight, ya think? After that head north making stops in various places to see cousins along the way. The trip back is probably going to take three to four days. What fun!!! This is a dream I've long had, to be able to take some trips, now God has blest me with the privledge to do so. Ok, Ok! I'll stop talking about it. At least for now. You can believe this....I'm more thankful than I can say for this chance. If I were a nice guy I'd invite you along but...I'm not that nice. ( :-D ) ..........And so it goes...........