Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Two molding relationships...

And here I am once again, delivering a promised and much looked forward to post. ( Hey, it's my dream, I can make it as big as I want.) This post is about my relationship (not voluntary) with two entities. They neither one ever had a name. I just always referred to them as the "red mule" and the "black mule". I still ponder to this day whether I hated them more or they hated me more. That could go either way. They were named, quite obviously, because of their color, the I often used adjectives in conjunction with their "name". They both had their own peculiarities. Such one peculiarity was that the black mule was blind in his right eye. He often used that as an excuse, when one mistakenly, walked by him on the right side, to bolt and run for the barn. When that would happen I quite often developed a strange twitch on my face. The twitch stopped permanently only when both mules died. As a matter of fact, I was in the South pacific when they died, but I knew the instant they passed. I worked twice as hard as either mule. I used one in the a.m., till lunch, using the other in the p.m. Besides, between the two of them, they had four times more legs than I did, which meant I took 8 times more steps. Well, you do the math. Those mules were a part of my life for several years, so we (I and them) contrived numerous and sundry ways to make life miserable for each other. All the parties involved became quite adept at contriving misery for each other. If I had a dollar for every step I took while walking behind them I'd be on level with Bill Gates. Besides, Bill didn't have to put up with a fraction of what I dealt with, so I deserve the money more than him, right? Well....Enough for now. I can at a later date tell more about this relationship if it's requested. The call is yours. Ok, everyone take a deep breath and.......HOLD IT. I'll be back with a new post in a few days.


DaddysGirl said...

Well thank you. Thats quite an honor to be reminded of someones daughters. Especially someone who speaks so highly of his daughters. I'm not sure my heads on quite straight but i think i can work on that. I'd like to hear more about the relationship with the mules actually. said...

Tell me more, tell me more!!!!

DaddysGirl said...

Glad to hear that you'll be posting more. Great story. And yea, can't do the time don't do the crime. I've always thought it was a fairly simple concept, guess some people can't understand that!