A very good evening to everyone that is waiting in such suspense for this post. I apologize for keeping you on edge for so long. :-)
On this particular post I'm going to tell about something that I remember as very good and exciting. Something that changed my life in a wonderful way, but that turned out to be not quite so good. This particular event is quite important in many ways. Two of those ways are named Kim and Crissy. The event I'm speaking of with such eloquence is the point in time that their Mother and I met. It was on a sunday afternoon in November, about the middle of the month, in the year of our Lord one thousand nine hundred and sixty eight. I was at home on a leave from my duties as a sailor in Uncle Sams Navy, and was quite bored and looking for something to do. I called on the phone someone that I was very good friends with and had been for several years. Her name was, and still is of course, Sharman. This young lady turned out later to be my sister-in-law. (she married my oldest brother) As Sharman and I talked I found out that she had company in the form of a girlfriend that she went to church with. Sharman, being the sweet girl that she was, started making plans to get the two of us together. We made plans for all of us to meet at my Grandfather's house, which by coincidence happened to be right across the street from the church they went to. So....meet we did. Now, at this point let me interject an important item that needs to be covered. I was wearing, it being November and rather cold, my dress blues that were all new and shiny. I'm told that I made a rather dashing figure. (Not my words.) :-D It was at that fateful time that I met the young lady. Her name was Yvonne and she was without doubt the prettiest girl I'd ever seen to that point in time. She was very kind, gentle and pleasing to be around. When the time came for them to go across the street to church Yvonne ask me if I'd attend with them, and being the kind of guy I was/am I immediately consented. Oh yeah...I'm leaving out part. My sister, Karen, was with me. She'd just turned 16 and wanted to go to another church, which just happened to be where her boyfriend attended. So, I solved the problem by simply tossing her the keys to the car, and telling her to come back after church to pick me up. (and by the way, she did) I attended church with Sharman and the young lady that was to become my wife. After church she and I sat in the parking lot and talked for a while, until her Dad came by and told her it was time to go home. At that point I got her phone number, which I used the very next day. A couple of days later we went on our first date and had a wonderful time. By the second date it was like we'd been friends for a long time. All of this was the middle of November and we married the next April. (after breaking up and getting back together one time, but that's a story for another day) The next ten years will always be in my memories as a wonderful time. A time that brought a lot of Joy to our lives as well as two young ones we named Kimberly Susan and Crissy Denina. Those two, by the way, still bring tremendous joy to me and have graciously given me 6 more bundles of joy. What can I say here about Christopher and Scott. They are like the sons I didn't have instead of sons-in-law. Now that she's passed away Kim and Crissy miss their Mom and I miss the girl I married. .........and so it went.........
what a sweet memory. thanks for sharing it will yer fans. lol.
and "with" us too. (millions of adoring....)
Sweet memory. I'm glad your sister came and picked you up!
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