Monday, June 19, 2006

Another Tribute.......

Good Morning. Yes, you read that right, I'm actually posting this in the morning. Well, it's morning where I am. Since it's morning here I won't offer you a drink, unless it's tea. Of course, as the song says, it's five o'clock somewhere so you feel free to get your own. ( :-D )
This post is in tribute to an amazing person that I've known for about eight or nine years. Her name is Kate and she's been through more in her relatively short life than most people go through in a life time. I won't go into detail without her permission but a generalized list includes cancer (four times), the loss of her Dad (with whom she had a very close relationship and admired very much), the loss of a dream that was very dear to her heart, (probably more than one dream but I know about this one). I'd better stop here with the list, but trust me when I say there is more and she came through with flying colors. But there is more! She not only prevailed over the heartache and trouble that assailed her life but has been a true encourager for me. She has truly bloomed where God planted her. Kate, my hat is off to you and you have my most heartfelt gratitude. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. .........And so it goes.........

1 comment:

DaddysGirl said...

Hey mike. Wow she sounds like quite a gal. I'm sure she'd win the hearts of anyone in the world. Hope everything is well for you sorry I haven't been around.