Tuesday, July 04, 2006

One thousand and ninety five days ago.........

Good afternoon to the multitude of faithful readers out there. I'd invite you all for a cook out today but that would mean that I would actually have to cook out. ( :-D ) Instead, I'll offer you something to drink while you read this post. I have milk, chocolate milk, tea and wine. The other stuff I won't mention here.
I know you're all thinking "what an odd title". I'm referring of course to the title of this post. It was that many days ago exactly that we were in a car accident. Actually the exact time was 12:10 pm. I'll recount some of the events as they've been related to me. It was at that time that an elderly gentleman (I won't mention his name) while in the process of having a heart attack crossed over the center line and into the lane in which I was driving. We hit head on. The gentleman was driving a Ford F150 pickup and we were in a Mitsubishi Galant. I'm told that we were both going about the speed limit, which was sixty miles per hour. The other driver, I'm told, was the first one air lifted because of his heart attack. He'd broken both of his legs I'm told. My wife (ex) had been struck a very hard blow to the head and consequently had to have surgery on her brain to remove some blood clots. She and I were cut from the car I'm told, a process which took about forty five minutes. Brittney (my then step daughter) had multi fractures to her face. I'm not sure that I've ever heard how she was taken to the hospital, though I think it was by ambulance. Brendan was the only one coherent I'm told and was able to give the police the information they needed. He had a broken arm, some broken ribs and numerous cuts and abrasions. Maybe some more stuff too. I don't remember all of it. My ex's granddaugher, a twenty two month old blonde cherib was killed instantly. I had, I'm told, twenty five broken bones in sundry and various places. I know my right ankle was broken, both knees, my jaw in two places, my collar bone, my left shoulder and of course my left elbow. The elbow couldn't be reconstructed so I now have a brand new metal one. I don't remember anything at all about it. Brendan does and sometimes we talk and He fills me in on some stuff. That day began an extensive hospital stay. It was after Christmas of that year that I was able to have some semblance of independence. That was, to my knowledge, my latest and hopefully last brush with Mr. Grim reaper. So when I say to people that "I'm proud to be here" I'm saying that with all sincerity. It's been said to me on numerous occasions that I'm here because God isn't finished with me. I believe that and try to live everyday accordingly. I have lots to do and am truly the most blessed man in the world. ........And so it went......


Crissy said...

I was thinking about that day too. Glad it's that long ago.

Dawn (of Course)! said...

Thank you for allowing God to continue to use you. Your writings really bless me.