Good evening to everyone on this wonderful Saturday evening! Welcome to this post of this man's blog. I hope you enjoy it and invite you to pull up a chair and relax. Since it's a bit past the proper time for it I won't offer you one of my famous mint juleps, but do come back another time and it'll be on the menu. ( :-D )
I can tell what's going through your mind...It's "what kind of title is that"? Actually, it's one of thankfulness and celebration. As some of you know, and as the rest of you will know very shortly, I was in a head-on collision just over three years ago. (July four, two thousand and three) If you want to know the full story you'll need to go back over this blog and find the details listed in other places. In the course if the wreck I sustained twenty five broken bones, among various and sundry other injuries (which we won't go into now). The most severe being having to have a 'fake' elbow, which gives me pretty much full use of my left arm. Having said that let me say quickly that I'm very thankful for the metal elbow and consider myself blest because of it. Ok, Ok. The ground work laid, let me continue. I've been, for three years, trying to get back the stamina I used to have. The ability to do the things I would like to do without becoming so tired I couldn't function. This past week I was able, for the first time, to work a full week mostly consisting mostly of full days. I'm thrilled about it but with certain reservations. My arm is doing great. (which has been the main concern for most) The 'ouch' part of the title comes from my right knee. It is very sore and causes some pain though I'm able to do anything I want. This is, for me, a breakthrough in a comeback that has been for me a monumental achievement. Since I'm going to live till the year two thousand and fifty I have to work to stay in the best shape possible, huh? (that'll only make me 101 years old) Ok, I'll stop. Just wanted to let all of my favorite people know of my success in making a comeback. .........And so it goes.......
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