Thursday, October 12, 2006

Remembering Dennis.........

Good morning to all and thank you for taking valuable time from your day and from your life to read this post. I'll keep this one short since it's way past my bedtime. I'd offer you all something to drink but you're all asleep I suppose. ( :-D )
This post is about someone I've already written about once. I bet you all remember my post about my brother Dennis. As I write this, it being the twelfth of October, Dennis would if still alive, be sixty years old as of the tenth. As I write this and as I've thought about this a lot in the last few days I wonder what he'd have gone through and what he'd have become. I know that it's been forty three years since his last birthday but I'd like to say that I still miss him even after all this time. One can't lose a best friend as well as brother without being greatly affected for the rest of one's life. I plan to think of him every day and give God thanks for giving him to me for the fourteen years I had him.
Since it's now past my bedtime I'll conclude....... ...........And so it goes..........

1 comment:

Dawn (of Course)! said...

God's ways are not our ways and yet we are called to trust Him and give praise to Him in all things. I think you do. Bless you, brother.