Sunday, July 08, 2007

Revealing the Quest..........

Good morning all. Yes, you read that right. It is early morning and I'm up late. Well, later than usual. I have to get to bed very soon so I can go to Church this morning. OK, enough of the excuses, right? Pull up a chair and relax as you read this as I attempt to give the answer that I promised. I have to say here, that some came very close to the answer.
'The quest' in question in this blog is the search that we've all undertaken in order to find an answer. I know that in my life I've asked the "W" question many, many times. The "W" question being 'why'. I ask the question many times for every friend I lost in Vietnam. I ask the question many times when my wife began changing. I ask the question many times when I was told that I had cancer. I ask the question many times when I began recovering from a horrific car accident. Probably several thousand times over the course of time. In all of that time and after all of that asking I never got an answer to those questions. I have given that much thought and have come to some, what I believe, are right and healthy conclusions. Conclusion one: for us to know those answers would mean that we could know the future and that is not something that God has given us the ability to do. We can barely handle the past, what makes us think that we could handle the future. That would make us not need or want a relationship with God. Conclusion two: If we knew the answer to all of those "why's" we would have the wisdom of God, and again, not need or want a relationship with Him. Conclusion three: Knowing the answers would make us proud and haughty, and once again, we would try putting ourselves on the same level as God, thus not wanting or needing Him. Conclusion four: Knowing those answers would make us not seek the will of God in our lives and not search for the presence of God. Conclusion five: Knowing those answers would destroy our faith, simply because we wouldn't need it. We'd feel ourselves to be sufficient unto ourselves, right? Having realized these things I decided that we understand what we can, after that Faith takes over. We have to walk through life not knowing the answers but knowing that God does. That, beloved friends, is what I call "tough faith". Tough because we're scared. Tough because each step we take is uncertain. Tough because trusting is the hardest thing to do at that point. Tough sometime because our heart is anguished with pain and grief and loss. Tough sometime because we're squarely facing our own mortality and the reality of possible death. There are many reasons to ask why but only one basic reason to accept not having an answer. Because our God wills it so and we love and trust Him. OK, I'll conclude beloved friends, so you can comment by whatever means you chose. Please feel free to agree or disagree, in part or in whole, to whatever degree you that you do. Another chapter soon. .........And so it is...........


Dawn (of Course)! said...

ALL things work together for good for those who love God and are called according to his purpose

Anonymous said...


You have everything going for you. You need to leave the past behind and go forward. You are the most wonderful story teller and endearing person I have ever met. You see other people for what they are but cannot see your worth. You have beautiful children, grandchildren and family. Your heart is bigger than anyone I have every met and you did not cause anything that happened in the past. You cannot control the wars, dieases, plagues, child abuse, mental illness or what happens tomorrow. You can forgive yourself and live the life you deserve which is no worries.

God does love all of us but we have to deal with this wicked world before we ever see what God has in store for us. That's faith.