Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Huge laughs from a fragile barricade....

Good Morning all. I'm staying up late tonight to post this. I suppose I'm still feeling a bit guilty for there being such a long time span between the last posts. ( :-D ) anyway, here I am to tell another of our endless line of escapades from many years ago.
We would, from time to time, get together to come up with ways to make hearts beat faster in our community. (we being some of us guys in the area) Let me quickly interject here that we always were careful to never cause property, financial or personal damages. This particular act required a few things. One, a dark night. Two, no breeze or wind. When things were right with nature we'd select a semi steep hill on a road in the community. We'd then get busy erecting the "barricade". Having the conditions right and the material needed we'd get busy. First we'd put a waist high stake on either side of the road. Then we'd begin wrapping toilet paper from one stake to the other, around and around. After a few minutes we'd step back and admire our handiwork. All that was needed then was to spray some red paint lines on the toilet paper and set back and wait for an unsuspecting driver. When we'd see someone coming we'd get back off of the road a little way, lay down on the ground and watch the action. As the poor driver topped the hill there was the barricade and of course he/she would hit the brakes hard. I can't count the number of drivers that we watched slide, wheels locked, through the "barricade". After stopping they'd get out of the car, shake a bit, get mad (change their pants) then drive away. At this point we would all howl with laughter. I can't count the number of times we'd do this. Looking back over the years I can't seem to recall why it was so funny. I'm thinking maybe it was the result of hormones (you know those sneaky things that course through our bloodstream). Anyway, it was always great fun, at least for those laying in wait. I can't speak for the 'victims', having never been one. Oh, the "joys" of youth. I wonder how we ever survive it. ..........And so it went............


Anonymous said...

AH man I love that one. Gonna have to try that next time I spend the night at Yates's house he he he.

Dawn (of Course)! said...

lol.........why did the Randy Travis song "That was us", keep running through my head as I read this!