Good Evening everyone and welcome once again to this blog. I've had a few inquiries about the mint juleps so I've added Sam's cola to the menu. So, pull up a chair and enjoy. ( :-D )
A quick observation on the frogs of this world. I've known many frogs in my lifetime and have come to this conclusion. No matter how much a frog is kissed it never turns into a prince/princess. Ok...Now on to another item on the frog culture.
There is something that all frogs lack in their lives. That something is spoken of in Holy Scripture. Sadly we don't hear the word that denotes it used very often in our culture. It is something that can make a huge difference in the lives of those that we come in contact with, but especially in the lives of our friends and family. Ok, ok....The word. It's compassion. I've been surprised at how few people even know what it is. I would like to suggest that we all do a bit of digging into it's meaning. It is a very precious quality to have in any life. The absence of it is most often because of an acute amount of selfishness. We humans are often so focused on ourselves and our own world that we lose sight of the people around us. We often walk right by people that are in need and, yes, even pain. A couple of reasons we don't see those needs in others is because 1) we don't/can't slow down enough to look and 2) we stay intently focused on ourselves and our world. Let me encourage all that is reading this to look outside of ourselves and our little part of the world. Let us learn to recognize those that have a need then make ourselves a part of the solution as far as is possible. Said another way...Let's stop kissing the frogs we know in order to make them less ugly and look to making ourselves more attuned to those of God's creations that have needs and pain, and that He's put in our paths. With that I'll say goodnight.... .........And so it goes..........
1 comment:
all i can say is, "yep again"
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