Sunday, March 11, 2007

The Promise.......

Good evening. I'm happy to see you all here and breathless with anticipation. Let's all pull up your chairs and have a seat while placing your orders. After you receive your order you can prop up your feet and sip your beverage while taking in this, another chapter. This post is a continuation of the last and long ago post introducing this series. Sorry it's been so long but I've had a lot to study and contemplate so I've taken my time.
This chapter is on the "Promise" of Love. That has taken a lot of meditation and study on my part which I've thoroughly enjoyed. The more I thought about it the more I realized that I had my work cut out for me in this chapter. Also, being one to be thorough and have every basis in truth, I decided to take all the time it took. Finally, I decided to give it a try and write this chapter. goes.
The promise of Love is so vast as to defy exploration. In order to simplify things I've broken it down into two parts. Let me say, at this point, that there is no simple way to describe the Promise of Love. I shall try to not be too simplistic as this is no simple thing. These two points are in no particular order. First, there is the eternal part of the promise. As I said in the last chapter, Love is from a single source...God the creator. That being the case we can go on to say and conclude that from Love comes these things. First) Joy. Notice I didn't say happiness. There is a vast difference between joy and happiness. Joy does not depend on circumstances for it's existence. Joy is in place in our lives because of what's on the inside of us, not what's on the outside, as is the case with happiness. Second) is contentment. Notice again that I didn't say satisfaction. One can be content without being satisfied. Contentment comes from a state of mind. Satisfaction comes from seeking to fulfill desires of our human nature. Third) is peace. Peace is not, as is popularly believed to be, the absence of war or strife. Peace comes from liking ourselves and loving who we are on the inside. Peace comes from accepting that we are fallible, making mistakes often, but knowing that doesn't detract from our worth. Our worth comes only from the God that created us. Forth) is discipline. Love makes us want what is best for us, regardless of any temptation otherwise. The ability to say 'no' to those things that we know aren't what we need, IE. food, a relationship, alcohol, drugs (the list is almost endless). At the same time, the ability to say yes to those things that are good and even essential to us, again an almost endless list. Having the Love of God in our life gives us all these things and Oh! so very much more. OK, I'll stop here with that list, although it could go on for a while longer. The second part has to do with our relationships. The Promise of a Loving relationship is the dream and hearts desire of us all. To Love and have the Love of someone that is special to us makes us complete in a sense. We everyone have in our natures the longing to Love and be Loved in the most real sense of the word. Now that takes us to a whole new chapter so I'll use this as a place to end this post and introduce the next one. Since I've done much of the study and research on this I won't be so long between posting. The next post will explore what Love is as far as relationships are concerned. So, I'll leave you here and invite you all back for that chapter. ..........And so it goes..........

1 comment:

Dawn (of Course)! said...

Thank you, brother.

Good to have ya back!