Good evening all. Welcome! Pull up a chair and kick back. I'm happy to have you here. Your showing up has made my day, well, my night actually. Please place your order for refreshment and it will be served up promptly. Oh yeah, don't forget to leave a generous tip for your host.
( :-D ) Tonights chapter is a continuation on Love. The topic on Love we're discussing this evening is 'what is it'. It is, undoubtedly, the most maligned, misused and mistreated word in the English language. It is taken in context with things best referred to as 'lust' and 'desire'. We use it when referring to something like a sandwich, a car, a house, a job (the list is endless). Taken in it's true context those things would be best referred to as I 'like' it. It's mostly taken out of context when referring to a physical relationship. That is, of course, a part of it, but only a small part. This evening we're going to explore a bit about 'what exactly is Love'? Again, let me say that this is not to be considered an exhaustive look at Love. Hopefully though, it will pique your longing to know more. It is, without doubt, the most potent and powerful force known to mankind. OK, on to the definition(s). Of all the places I've looked and all the research I've done I like the usage of the Greeks the best. Where we have one word "Love" they have several. I'm not going to try to talk about all of them but only three. Many of you out there reading this probably know all about this and probably know more about it than I do, but since I'm the one posting this chapter I'll do the talking. The first word I'll mention here is "Agape". It' s the most used in the New Testament scriptures. For me the most significant places it's used is I Corinthians chapter thirteen. In this particular place we're told that Love should be the motivation and the method for all we are and all we do. When we talk about the Love of God that's the kind we're talking about. When we're talking about giving our life for another it's the kind spoken of. I could go on for a long time about this but won't, in the hopes you'll learn about it on your own. If you want some more about this special type of Love you have only to let me know. Another place it's used is in John, chapter twenty one, starting at verse fifteen. Two times Jesus asks Peter does He 'agape' Him. The third time Jesus asks using the word "Philios". Peter, on the other hand uses the word "Philios" all three times in his answering. OK, on to the second. It's called "Philios". From it we get the name of a city in Pennsylvania. (Philadelphia) From this word we get the meaning of loving someone like a brother or sister. It's that long and enduring and trusting friendship that is created by a bond and exists because of that very bond. It's the kind of love that says ' I'll give my life for you, not only in death but in life '. It says ' I'll be there for you no matter what. No matter if your right or wrong. I'm there. OK, on to the third. It's not actually in the New Testament but it's equivalent is in the Old Testament. The Song of Solomon to be more precise. The word in the Greek is "Eros". The word came from one of the mythological gods of which the Greeks had so many. He was the god of desire, sex and in some cases fertility. From that word we get our word 'erotic'. It's associated with pornography and such things. In it's real sense though, it carries no 'bad' or 'dirty' connotations. Let's now wrap this up. There should be in our lives in every relationship Agape and Philios. Those are what makes a relationship good and strong. They make a friendship lasting and good. Let me now, in closing this chapter, make this statement. While every friendship and relationship will do well with the first two there is only one relationship ordained by God to have all three. That, my friends, is the marriage relationship. While Eros can ruin any other relationship, it is required in a marriage. It's the only relationship that can be made better and more healthy because of it. We should keep that in mind always. OK, OK! I'll close this for now, but first let me say that this chapter has two purposes. One is to expound to you more about Love as it's intended. The other is to set up the next chapter posting. I've already started on it, and it's in draft form now. So, keep checking. You're coming here to read this blog makes my day. ...........And so it goes............
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