Tuesday, August 22, 2006

How the lieutenant skidded the waves....

Good evening and welcome to the world of Mike. I'm very happy to have you drop in and visit, so pull up a chair and order what you want. The drink of the evening of water, but if you want something stronger I'll add lemon. ( :-D ) At any rate, enjoy yourself. The story for this evenings post is about something that I actually witnessed. I can still see it in my minds eye as clearly as if it had just happened. When it occurred I couldn't believe my eyes and still have trouble believing it. This happened in the pacific ocean in the early seventies. (I think) The squadron I was serving in was deployed on a aircraft carrier. On that particular deployment our line officer was Lt. Jones. Let me describe Lt. Jones. He was a gung ho wannbe genius that sadly missed that aspiration. The one most impressed with Lt. Jones was Lt. Jones. Ok, Ok, enough about the star of our tale. Lt. Jones was a pilot on a A7 corsair attack aircraft. When that particular plane was built it cost about three and a half million dollars. Today's cost would be more like thirty million. What made that plane special was the top secret gear it had. (now declassified of course) Being a plane captain I had to be present on the flight deck during launch and recovery. This particular event happened during recovery. (the planes landing on the carrier) The A7 had a two glaring weaknesses, one of which I'll dwell on here. The corsair had very weak nose wheel steering, which is what is used to steer when taxiing. Of course there wasn't that much taxiing done since it was in the air most of the time. On this occasion Lt. Jones had just landed on the flight deck, raised his tailhook and started to taxi out of the way of the next plane landing. As He pushed forward on the throttle to start the plane moving the nose wheel steering jammed in the port (left) position. Since he was already on the very port side of the ship there was only one place he could go. YEP, you guessed it. Right over the side of the ship. We all stood in dumb amazement as the plane headed nose first over the side of the ship and into the depths of the pacific ocean. Now, you're all wondering at this point "what about the pilot", right? I just had an evil thought. How about I just end this story here and let you wonder.
( :-D ) Naw...I won't do that. Anyway, Lt. Jones "punched out" or deployed the ejection seat just as the plane was hitting the water and had turned upside down. The position of the plane is what saved his life, but it's also what made this so funny. As the 'rocket' from the ejection seat fired it sent him skidding across the water like a stone skidded on a pond. Imagine hearing the plane hit the water as we watched Lt. Jones skid like a rock across the waves for more than a quarter of a mile. As I remember it I can still see him bouncing off of the waves. It was, I believe, one of the funniest things I can ever recall having seen. We all just stood with mouths open for a few seconds before abruptly erupting into gales of laughter. Our thoughts at the time 'it couldn't have happened to a nicer guy'. The angel, the rescue helicopter which was always in the air during flight operations, headed out to pick him up, and successfully retrieved him from the water no worse for wear. (just very stiff, sore and embarrassed) Needless to say, we weren't allowed to discuss the event in his presence. Needless to say also, we talked about it A LOT when he wasn't around. I'm very pleased to have witnessed that but I'm also glad that he wasn't hurt seriously. .........And so it went.........

Saturday, August 19, 2006

Wisdom for the wise.......

Hi again. I just finished posting and forgot to include this. It's something that occurred to me as I thought and meditated about life and how we live it. For me it was profound, and I hope it gives you something to think about it. Here it is. Today is yesterday's tomorrow! Ok, read it and contemplate. Once again .........And so it goes..........

"Ouch" He said with a smile.........

Good evening to everyone on this wonderful Saturday evening! Welcome to this post of this man's blog. I hope you enjoy it and invite you to pull up a chair and relax. Since it's a bit past the proper time for it I won't offer you one of my famous mint juleps, but do come back another time and it'll be on the menu. ( :-D )
I can tell what's going through your mind...It's "what kind of title is that"? Actually, it's one of thankfulness and celebration. As some of you know, and as the rest of you will know very shortly, I was in a head-on collision just over three years ago. (July four, two thousand and three) If you want to know the full story you'll need to go back over this blog and find the details listed in other places. In the course if the wreck I sustained twenty five broken bones, among various and sundry other injuries (which we won't go into now). The most severe being having to have a 'fake' elbow, which gives me pretty much full use of my left arm. Having said that let me say quickly that I'm very thankful for the metal elbow and consider myself blest because of it. Ok, Ok. The ground work laid, let me continue. I've been, for three years, trying to get back the stamina I used to have. The ability to do the things I would like to do without becoming so tired I couldn't function. This past week I was able, for the first time, to work a full week mostly consisting mostly of full days. I'm thrilled about it but with certain reservations. My arm is doing great. (which has been the main concern for most) The 'ouch' part of the title comes from my right knee. It is very sore and causes some pain though I'm able to do anything I want. This is, for me, a breakthrough in a comeback that has been for me a monumental achievement. Since I'm going to live till the year two thousand and fifty I have to work to stay in the best shape possible, huh? (that'll only make me 101 years old) Ok, I'll stop. Just wanted to let all of my favorite people know of my success in making a comeback. .........And so it goes.......

Sunday, August 13, 2006

The rebirth of a dream.....

Good evening everyone, and thank you for taking valuable time from your lives to check out this blog. Come on in, relax and make yourself at home while you read this post. Since it's so late on a Sunday night I'll only offer you a snack, but browse around and find what you like. ( :-D )
Ok, Ok...I'll explain the title. I'm finally going to have the opportunity to began doing some traveling again. It's long been a passion of mine, taking trips to different places, seeing different things, meeting different people. Of course, sometime I make return trips when the experience of the trips warrants it. For many years I looked forward to doing a bit of traveling, but for various and sundry reasons wasn't able to do so. Now, with my children grown and independent, my finances in somewhat better shape and being alone again I have that opportunity once again. Beginning the third week of next month I'll be off to Northern Ohio and Southern Michigan. My Mom and two of her sisters are going along to visit with the sister they have close to Toledo. After staying there a couple of days I'll venture forth and do some sightseeing. I'm even (I hope) going to cross over into Canada, thus adding another country to the list of countries I've been to. I am certainly looking forward to the trip. Then, in October my brother Jerry and I are heading out to Virginia to visit with Jerry's son Jason. While there we're talking about taking a couple of days and going into D.C. and poke around there a bit. Another trip I'm looking forward to. Then, in November, I'm heading south to Jacksonville, FL. For a day or two. (with maybe a stopover in Savannah, who knows) Since I used to live in Jacksonville there is much I want to see. After that couple of day stop I'm off further south to sunny south Florida. I'm going to stay a little while with my nephew Brad and his lovely life Amanda. (I'd better clue them in to the visit, huh?) I'm betting things have changed a bit since I moved away from there in nineteen fifty eight, ya think? After that head north making stops in various places to see cousins along the way. The trip back is probably going to take three to four days. What fun!!! This is a dream I've long had, to be able to take some trips, now God has blest me with the privledge to do so. Ok, Ok! I'll stop talking about it. At least for now. You can believe this....I'm more thankful than I can say for this chance. If I were a nice guy I'd invite you along but...I'm not that nice. ( :-D ) ..........And so it goes...........

Sunday, August 06, 2006

The "wannabe"

Good afternoon! Yes, I'm actually posting this in the afternoon. Ya'll come on in, pour yourself a drink, pull up a chair and have a seat. This post is about something I'd forgotten about till Kim and Crissy reminded me of it. Of course they weren't there but I'd told them the story a long time ago. Actually I recall the story once in a while but I just never thought to post it.
The setting for this story is Fort Lauderdale in or around the year of our Lord nineteen fifty three. I was at the time about four years old of course. Being pre-school and having two older brothers, school was for me a mystery. I could hardly wait till I was able to 'go to school'. Most every morning I accompanied Jerry and Dennis (the older brothers) for a couple of blocks as they started their walk to school. I was allowed to go as far as their first street crossing. When we arrived at that particular crossing Jerry and Dennis had to wait till the crossing guard found a break in traffic and stopped the cars. When they began to cross the street I returned home. In the mind of that four year old boy the job of crossing guard was the ultimate in jobs. It was fascinating to see the man step into the street, hold up his hands toward the oncoming cars, then watch the traffic come to a slow and smooth stop. He then would step back onto the sidewalk and "allow" the cars to start moving again. Wow! What a guy to have the 'ability' to do that. To that young mind it was almost supernatural. Therefore, on one weekend day, I left my house with a mission in mind. The house we lived in was set back off of the street a bit, so I walked up the driveway to the street, stopped and waited on a break in traffic. Then the four year old calmly stepped out into the street and held up his arms toward the oncoming cars and BEHOLD, the cars all stopped, though not as smoothly as I'd hoped. (there was a lot of screeching of tires) As I stood there (though a bit disappointed at all the noise) I was completely gratified by the 'power' I had to stop the traffic. While standing there with my arms still outstretched I was very suddenly and very rudely yanked straight up into the air. In my twisting and squirming I'd caught a glimpse of my Dad holding me up by one arm. To steal a line from "Winnie the Pooh" His face was like a black rain cloud. It was at that point that I figured out that I was in very big trouble. I've mentioned that our house was set back off of the road, but I didn't realize just how far till I started getting spanked the whole way back. I didn't understand what all of the 'fuss' was about at that time, but figured it out later when I saw how dangerous it was. I can only imagine the fear that must have gripped the heart of my father when he saw me standing there with traffic stopped and a big smile on my face. Thus were the adventures of a very young "wannabe" crossing guard. ..........And so it went.........