Saturday, June 30, 2007

The Quest..............

Good evening and welcome. I am, once again, very glad to have you drop by. It's been a few days since posting my last chapter and I've been delighted with the response. Thank you all for faithfully checking back from time to time. I've opened the bar and have most anything you'd care to drink. I even brought some pretzels and nuts so serve yourself and be comfortable as you read.
Before I talk about the quest mentioned in the title I'll give somewhat of an explaination. The "quest" I'm talking about comes about in the life of every person that lives to some degree of maturity. It always comes in the form of a question. I know I've asked this particular question almost countless times. So, before posting the rest of the chapter I'm going to give everyone a chance to respond by stating what they think the question is. You can respond by commenting on this blog or to the email address listed above. I'll wait a couple of days before posting another chapter that gives the answer. So, you all let me know what you think. .........And so it goes............

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