Good Evening all.....I suppose you wonderful folks out there are tired of holding your breath and wondering what's been the delay in posting. Well....I'll tell you....I've been on a little trip and just this very day returned. Yep...I had a great time and yep...I was all by myself. Bless my little heart. I am now returned and in great spirits and feeling good...Well...All but my neck, back, left elbow, knees and right ankle. ( :-D ) Just kidding!!! I have, at present, some wonderful company I'd like to talk about a bit if I may, before launching into the remainder of this post. I have my youngest daughter, Crissy, along with her four children, spending the night with me. I had hoped that Kim and her boys could have but prior plans precluded this from happening. I thought I'd do this post while Crissy is getting the children to bed. on to the posting....
There are some, if not all of you, that remember previous posts concerning a young boy and his adventures on our farm. This post is about another event in the life of that young boy. It was on a rainy day, thus not many outdoors activities (except for mandatory chores). It was while Dennis and I were consumed with those very chores that this young boy got another taste of adventure on a farm. Let me quickly interject at this point that Dennis and I both told him the ills that could befall him if he pushed ahead with this plan. His plan was to, while Dennis and I were busy with some chores, to get into the loft of the hay barn and make tunnels in the hay. The fallacy of the plan was quite apparent to us but seemed to escape him. The problem with the plan he had was that some cats had made their home in the hay loft and controlled the mice/rat population. Of course, being the felines they were, and having the fur they had, they did indeed have fleas. Also, of course, some of the fleas had left their homes on the cats to get into/infest the hay. So, this young man, having the burning desire that he had to play in the hay, proceeded to do just that. Dennis and I were quite some time finishing the chores we'd been assigned to do, which gave this young man quite a while to play in the hay loft. When Dennis and I had finished and gone to the hay barn the young man told us (while scratching furiously) that he had the tunnels all ready to play in. Dennis, being the strongest of heart, inspected his head and the hair on it, and of course, found that his head was INFESTED with...yep...fleas. Of course Dennis and I were blamed for the catastrophe. We never did get anyone to believe us and we couldn't figure out why they chose not to. ( :-D ) To remedy the situation we had to comb some flea killing mixture thru his hair, which made him stink for a couple of days. His mother was quite put out. I thought at the time she was just being difficult. It was a few years before I finally understood her point of view. I was only flea infestation. .......and so it went......
Now I know where Ty and Ellas get their ideas from! It's genetic!
Sorry, I deleted the last because I messed it up.
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