Sunday, May 07, 2006

""MAY"" we have Christmas please?

A good evening to all. A hearty welcome. Have a seat and place your order. It'll be ready soon then you can enjoy it while reading this post. The post for today is somewhat unbelievable but I promise it's the truth. I could hardly believe it and I saw it with my own two bleary and bloodshot eyes. ( :-D ) I can see the curiosity mounting in most of you, therefore I'll get right to the topic before a riot ensues. We have, in the neighborhood in which I live, something which occurs most everyday. We have driving through our streets a lady driving a ice cream truck. I know at this point most if not all of you are wondering what's such a big deal about that. The funny part is that as she drives through she plays over her loud speaker system Christmas carols. The first time I heard it I started counting on my fingers to make sure it wasn't December. I knew if it was I'd missed most of two thousand and six. Imagine my relief when I figured out that it was indeed the month of May. The second time she came through playing the same Christmas carols I decided that I had to have credible witnesses so everyone wouldn't think I was crazy, even though the subject on my craziness is open for debate. ( I'm told that the jury is still out on that ) So on the spot I made a phone call to my CW's (credible witnesses). Let me say here that some may disagree with my choices but to that I say...Well...You may be right. I called Kim and Crissy, got them on my cell phone, waited till the ice cream lady came back down the street, put my cell phone on speaker, held it up in the air and sure enough, they heard it. When they confirmed that they had indeed heard it relief flooded through my body. I suddenly felt that all was right with the world. I wasn't crazy. (at least in my own mind) I'd like to suggest that all reading this post make it a point to come here and see it for yourself. Let me here list the songs that have been so far played. 1) Frosty the snowman. 2) The twelve days of Christmas. 3) The little drummer boy. 4) Silent night. 5) Winter wonderland. 6) The one about chestnuts roasting on an open fire (I don't remember the title of that one). There are some others but I can't recall all of them right now. I'm thinking of beginning soon to charge per carload for people to come and see/hear this so come soon so you can beat the crowd. I'm thinking that this will maybe make our property values go up, but then, who knows? ........And so it goes.........


Dawn (of Course)! said...

"sent annonlmously" (?)

"cool beans" (lol) on the music.

"hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm" on the issue of your sanity. (rofl)

Kar said...

Christmas music is too good to play only once a year. :D I have a cd of Christmas carols played Irish instrumental style (Irish instruments? Irish style?). It's good music even besides it being Christmas music, but I do feel silly for anyone to hear me playing it this time of year, anyway. Oh, well. :)

Amber said...

Ok Mike, you're going to think this is crazy, but on May 9, I was at work, and I heard the tinkle of the ice cream truck and it was "Jingle Bells"! I thought I was going crazy too--or that it was something that only happens in California!! :o) Anyway, after reading your latest post, I am relieved to find that ice cream trucks do randomly play Christmas carols. How funny is that?!

Anonymous said...

Hey Poppy! they do the same thing here! I think it's them that's crazy not us! Guess what! Yesterday I had to be a witness to a (what the crazy woman thought) crime. call me or Crissy about it it's funny!